The Hunted by HJ Bellus Review

the hunted cover

The Hunted by HJ Bellus

Release Date: February 22, 2016


Revenge. Blood. Lies. Hate.

The good guy is the bad guy and the bad guy is the good guy.

Or is that what they want you to believe?

In a city where crime is at an all time high and new mutilated bodies are showing up every day, who do you trust?

He’s the silent neighbor who vanishes at night and reappears when the morning news is reporting on the latest victim.

How do you know this?

You watch him through the curtains as his silent stalker. Everything about him is twisted, but you can’t get past his stare. It’s hypnotizing and the hardest pull you’ve ever experienced…you know it’s all wrong.

Then he walks through your front door covered in blood.

Who will you trust?

My Review

This is my first experience reading a book by this author and I wasn’t sure what the outcome was going to be. Lately, I’ve been into reading romantic suspense and The Hunted falls into that category. Although there were moments when I was scratching my head with some of the things the the hero said, I would have to say that the story overall kept a nice pace and kept leading me through twists and turns.

Bay is young and naive, Van is not so naive and totally sexy. Among he secondary characters we meet Bay’s mom and I have to say that she may be my favorite character. Just the way she was, so open and free, really called to me.

Beyond the main plot line, there were additional plot lines moving alongside. While some of the side plot lines worked, a few left me confused and sometimes felt rushed. Overall though, I enjoyed the suspense throughout and I liked the fact that the characters emotions grew from beginning to end. I think I will find myself reading more from this author.

3.75 Stars

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