Take My Hand by Nicola Haken Review

take my hand cover

Take My Hand by Nicola Haken

Genre:  New Adult
Release Date:  October 7, 2013
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


Twenty-four year old Dexter Michaels has arrived in the UK for a fresh start – leaving everything and everyone he knows behind in the states. Determined to put right some of the wrongs he’ll never be able to forgive himself for making and make his Aunt Sarah – the only person left who still believes in him – proud, he lands in London with the intention of working hard, getting his degree and keeping himself to himself. He can’t destroy anybody else that way…

His heart and his body have other ideas however when he finds himself sitting next to nineteen year old Emily Barton in his Psychology class. Moving down south to find her own New Life, Emily is shy, smart and beautiful – everything Dexter knows he should stay away from… everything he knows would be too easy for him to break.

But she makes him feel things he’d forgotten even existed. She makes him laugh, smile, care… forget. Without her trying, and without him realizing, Emily has wound her way into the one place he swore to keep locked away forever – his heart. But can she stay there when she discovers the dark past he’s so determined to keep hidden from her? Or will he destroy her too, just like he always expected?

(Not recommended for younger readers due to language, drug/alcohol abuse and sexual content)

My Review

Disclosure: I received an ARC from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are completely my own.

This book isn’t your average, everyday college romance. Although it does have one boy and one girl who do fall in love. They just have more obstacles and circumstances to overcome than your everyday college students.

Meet Dexter. He’s running from a past. A past that has made him feel like an epic failure with his family, especially his Aunt Sarah. He flees from America to England and enrolls in Uni, and starts working at a bar. Then one day he’s assigned a class mate project with Emily.

When you meet Emily, she’s the shy girl who’s only goal is study and get through the next day. Until you find out that her past backdates to the age of 5, and to a mum you just want to strangle.

Dexter (tall, dark, and handsome) and Emily go through self discoveries during their friend zone relationship status. One night and bam Dexter’s past becomes his future. I definitely didn’t see that twist coming!

This book was explosive when it comes to emotions, and yes there is a slight cliffhanger. So hold onto your britches because it looks like book 2 is out now.  Now, I just need to go buy it and find out what happens next.

★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

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Hold On Tight (Book 2) on Amazon.

About the Author

nicola haken

Nicola lives in Rochdale, England with her husband and four children (six if you include the dogs!) She is the author of New Adult/Contemporary romance novels Inevitable, Saving Amy and the Take My Hand series. When she is not busy playing with her imaginary book friends (or talking about them with real life friends!) she can usually be found carrying out her ordinary mum/housewife/all round slave duties. Oh, and if the kids ever ask, she moonlights as the Pink Power Ranger while they’re sleeping…

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