Angel After Dark by Kahlen Aymes Review

angel after dark

Angel After Dark by Kahlen Aymes


Angel After Dark by Kahlen Aymes Teaser Trailer from Heather Maven on Vimeo.

My Review of Angel After Dark by Kahlen Aymes

First, I want to let you know that this is a cliffhanger. Not a horrible cliffhanger, but a life is moving in the right direction and something is still going to happen cliffhanger. 😉

I loved the writing style of Kahlen Aymes and the way she weaves this undeniable love story. There are twists and turns, and it takes a while for our hero and heroine to meet, but it will all be worth it.

Angel isn’t looking for anyone, except maybe Mr. Right. She’s had tragedy in her past and isn’t quick to love. Alex is the ultimate business playboy. He has “arrangements” with women, but not actual relationships. The sparks start flying before these two actually ‘meet’ each other. When they do meet each other, the pull is immense and they are unable to control their desires. Which brings me to the heat in Angel After Dark. There are some delicious love scenes that will have you melting.

I enjoyed the secondary character of Angel’s best friend, because she stands up for Angel and her best interests. This is a quick read that will keep you guessing what will happen next.

Funny, sweet, sexy, and romantic. I cannot wait for the follow up to see how everything works out.

★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

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About the Author

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Amazon Bestselling Author, Kahlen is an award-winning author of sizzling hot, deeply moving contemporary romance. Her stories are filled with intense love, passion, angst and emotion that breathes life into her characters and leaves her readers captivated. She lives near Omaha, Nebraska with her daughter, Olivia and their three dogs. Creative by nature, she enjoys the arts, music and theater… But the love of her life is writing!

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