Angels in Leather by Bella Jewel Review

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Angels in Leather by Bella Jewel

Release Date: February 13, 2014
Genre: MC Romance

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“Fight me, don’t you stop,” Axel breathes into my ear. “I won’t hurt you, Cricket,” he murmurs, running his finger down the side of my face. “But I need you to fight.”

So, that’s what I do.

I start by squirming, trying to twist my body around. He presses his body against mine, and reaches up, tangling his fingers into the fence. He thrusts his hips, ramming both out bodies harder into the wire. I groan, and throw my head back, hitting him in the face. He snarls, and takes my hands, quickly uncuffing me before pulling them harshly behind my back and jerking my body back into his.

I hear the cuffs drop onto the ground.

I guess he’s letting me play this fairly.

“Stop that,” he rasps into my ear. “I’ll make it hurt if you do that again.”

“Maybe I want it to hurt,” I hiss, fisting my hands together and shoving them backwards into his stomach.

He stumbles off me with a grunt, and I spin around, ducking to the left and attempting to run. I don’t get two steps before Axel lashes out, taking my ankle and pulling me so hard I go down into the dirt. My face just misses being smashed into it by mere centimeters. Axel flattens his body over mine, and takes my head in his hands, jerking my head back by my hair and breathing down on me. “You’re being a bad girl,” he husks, running a finger down the side of my face.

“You’re not letting me play fair,” I whisper. “I was cuffed before, it wasn’t a fair chase.”

I feel his weight lift off me, and he jerks me up, pulling me into a standing position.

“Run, then. I’ll give you five seconds, and if I catch you again, Meadow, I’m going to f**k you,” he murmurs, then his eyes grow lusty. “Hard.”
I turn without answering, and I run into the trees at the back of the lot. I hear Axel counting loudly, and my body shivers. I am sweating now, and my breathing is hard and ragged, but the chase is so worth that. I hear Axel take off after me, and I squeal with delight as I weave through the trees. It’s dark, but I can see enough because of the lights surrounding the club house.

“The minute I get hold of you,” Axel yells. “I’m goin’ to rip your panties down and put my d**k so deep inside you, you’re goin’ to scream.”
I shiver, and swallow. I make my way to the fence line again, and I press myself against it for a second, letting my eyes scan the trees. 
“Then I’m goin’ to kiss you so hard your lips will bleed.”

Oh my.

I take off, using the fence line as a guide to get back to the other end of the lot. I can hear Axel to my left, and I know he’s gaining on me, but if I run, it’ll make a lot of noise and he’ll figure out where I am.

“Come out come out wherever you are,” he sings. “You know I’ll make you come so much your legs will give way.”

I feel a smile on my face as I keep moving along the fence, keeping my body plastered against it. I can feel my own arousal dampening my panties, and now I’m eager for him to get his hands on me. I want to know what he’s got to give.

“You can run, Cricket, but you can’t hide.”

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My Review

“Oh, God, Axel,” I moan. “I’ve missed you.”

So for those of you who know us at RR we love a hot alpha male. Combine that with a man who’s in a MC, is hot with turquoise-water eyes, and silky inky hair…yea it makes us swoon!

Meadow is on the run for over a year, and she knows she only has a limited amount of time before her father’s dying request will catch up with her. She’s tired. Tired of running and exhausted from trying to stay one step ahead of him. Him – Axel, the man who was once her friend, the one that took her on motorcycle rides, the one she fell for all those years ago. Until he came back a hardened shell of a man, and a man she’s not sure she should trust.

Axel can only be described as a man who knows what he wants and how to get it, and he wants what Meadow has. Meadow’s father betrayed Axel in the worst possible way. Another MC took Axel and held him captive for 6 months before he escaped. No one knew what happened to him – only that he changed. His sex life and his MC are the only things he can control and control he does.

Once he gets his “Cricket” – which is Meadow back in his clutches he’s torn because he wants her, but he knows his sexual needs are too much. Meadow fights for him, and doesn’t give up.

Bella Jewel rocks this shit again! We all loved her Sinners series, and this series doesn’t disappoint!  The characters suck you in, and the sex scenes make you want to grab a fan to cool off!

I will caution you because you may not like role play. Once you get a more in depth look at this book it all makes perfectly logical sense.

★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2 Stars

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About the Author

Bella Jewel is an Aussie girl through and through. She spent her life in Western Australia, growing up in many different areas of the state. She now currently lives in Perth with her husband, children and mass amounts of pets. She’s crazy, fun, outgoing and friendly. Writing is her passion, she started at the young age of 18 but finally got the courage up to publish, and her first novel Hell’s Knights was released in August 2013.

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