ANGUISH (Jokers’ Wrath MC, #3) by Bella Jewel
Release Date: October 27, 2014
There are a lot of things in this world that are easy to escape from. Having a son you didn’t ask for isn’t one of them.
Mack is a nomad. He likes his own space and he struggles with emotion. His past is grey and his future looks about the same. That is until his ex-girlfriend dies and his son is handed over to him. A two month old baby he didn’t know existed. Until now.
His world comes crashing down around him.
Desperate, he hires a nanny.
Jaylah has gotten herself into some serious trouble, so when she sees the job opening for a nanny pop up, she jumps on it. Of course she’s not a nanny, but she figures she can pull it off. I mean, how hard can it be?
She’s thrown into a world of diapers, hourly feedings and a whole lot of laundry. She’s also introduced to the most rugged, gorgeous man she’s ever had the pleasure of meeting.
The best part, he’s the baby’s father.
The worst part, he’s a biker.
Their sexual tension is huge, but he’s a hard nut to crack. She’ll get in, though. She makes it her mission to break through the wall Mack has built so high around himself.
Her world is about to spiral out of control, and she’s taking Mack along for the ride.
Anguish (Jokers’ Wrath MC, #3)
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Precarious (Jokers’ Wrath MC, #1)
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Melancholy (Jokers’ Wrath MC, #2)
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“You stole my fuckin’ drugs.”
The foot at my throat presses me further into the cold, scratchy pavement. I gasp, my fingers clawing at fleshy ankles. His skin doesn’t budge; my nails are too short to break the flesh that I’m so desperately scraping at. It does nothing to move him, or send him on his way. Instead, he pushes harder, cutting off more of my air supply.
“That’s not exactly how it went down,” I croak, struggling.
“You were meant to deliver them; instead you fuckin’ sold them, and ran with the money.”
He’s right about that. I did take the drugs and sell them. I had good reason—my boyfriend was in trouble, and I was doing anything I could to get him out of trouble. I didn’t think ahead. I didn’t realize that I’d then owe a very unhappy drug dealer money. Not my finest moment, that’s for damned sure.
“I had no choice . . . I was helping someone I care about.”
He presses his boot down further into my throat, and my air supply narrows down to a dangerous level. My head pounds as the blood and oxygen are cut from my brain.
“I bet that person ain’t here helpin’ you tonight, now, are they?”
No, he’s right about that. Samuel is probably sleeping with someone else. The moment his debt was cleared, he left me. The dirty, cheap fucker left me. Now I’m dealing with the backlash. A furious drug dealer who wants his money.
Money I don’t have.
“Don’t I get,” I gasp, “one chance to get your money?”
He glares down at me through angry grey eyes. I squirm again as my vision starts flittering in and out. Shit, I’m going to pass out and he’s probably going to kill me, or worse, drag my helpless body away to do God knows what with.
“I have m-m-m-money,” I croak.
“If you had money, you wouldn’t have stolen my drugs.”
“I . . .” God, I’m on the edge. “I can get it. I s-s-s-swear.”
He stares at me, and for each second he does, my vision swims. Then, much to my relief, he lifts his boot off and reaches down, hurling my weak body up. He pulls me close, so close that our noses touch. My knees wobble and I have to push all my focus into not falling flat on my face and giving him another chance to take me.
“Listen, and listen fuckin’ good. You’ve got two weeks, and trust me, that’s me bein’ fuckin’ generous. Get my money, or I come for you.”
I nod.
“Don’t try and run. You do, I’ll fuckin’ find you.”
I close my eyes, take a deep, burning breath and nod again.
“Two weeks.”
Then he’s gone.
And I know . . . I just know . . . I’m in deep, deep shit.
Our Reviews of Precarious and Melancholy
My Review of ANGUISH
Mack, he’s the still-waters-run-deep kind of dangerous.
Mack, Maddox, and Krypt all make appearances in ANGUISH by Bella Jewel. Those men, oh those super-sexy, bad-asses with hearts of gold. Mack receives his son, baby Diesel, #1. Mack didn’t know he existed, #2 What’s Mack going to do with a baby? So, he proceeds to hire a nanny. Jaylah is that person. She’s tough, she’s a fighter, and she’s running from some pretty serious crap, although she’s never actually been a nanny before. It can’t be that hard, right?
Together Mack and Jaylah are combustible, but will they ever get that far? Mack is all for one-night-stands and being a nomad. How does having a child change his perception of life and will he ever decide to make changes in his life? These are all questions that Bella Jewel answers perfectly. I absolutely adore these characters as they’ve been written and they come to life throughout the story.
Bella Jewel has done it again. Characters that make me ache, laugh, and cry all within 259 pages of amazing. I read it in one sitting and got very little sleep the other night. Although, I did have some nice dreams.
Fast-paced action, lots of steamy sex, and a hot, plus a secretive new man is introduced in ANGUISH. Marcus is sexy-as-sin hot and he seems to be married to Katia, but their story will be the next Jokers’ Wrath novel. I cannot wait!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars
- Mack as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★
- Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
- Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ 1/2
About the Author
Bella Jewel is an Aussie girl through and through. She spent her life in Western Australia, growing up in many different areas of the state. She now currently lives in Perth with her husband, children and mass amounts of pets. She’s crazy, fun, outgoing and friendly. Writing is her passion, she started at the young age of 18 but finally got the courage up to publish, and her first novel Hell’s Knights was released in August 2013.
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Check out more of Bella’s work
The MC Sinners | Criminals of the Ocean | Rebels on Bikes | Number Thirteen | Life After Taylah | Wingman