Arrow’s Hell and Tracker’s End by Chantal Fernando Cover Reveals

Arrow’s Hell byChantal Fernando

New Adult

Releasing Late 2014

Being the younger sister of a Wind Dragons MC member isn’t as great as you’d think it would be.

I can’t escape the details of my brother’s exploits.

No one tells me anything. 

Men who know who I am tend to stay away from me.

And worst of all:

The members of the MC are off-limits.

When Arrow catches my eye, I make it my mission to make him happy again. 

When I fall head over heels in love with him, I just hope he will be there to catch me.

And that my brother doesn’t kill him.

Tracker’s End by Chantal Fernando

 New Adult

ReleasingLate 2014

Tracker is everything I’ve ever wanted. 

I see him.

I’ve watched time change him.

I’ve been patient, but he still hasn’t noticed me.

Not the way I want him to.

The more time I spend with the MC, the more I understand. 

When you want something, you have to take it.

You have to fight for it.

And Tracker is more than worth fighting for.



Chantal Fernando is 26, a mother of three beautiful little boys and lives in Western Australia.Chase is her debut novel, followed by Kade, Ryder, James and Maybe This Time.

She is currently working on a few other projects.

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