Beard Science by Penny Reid Review


Beard Science by Penny Reid


Make a deal with the devil and you might get what you want, but will it be what you need?

Jennifer Sylvester wants one thing, and that one thing is NOT to be Tennessee’s reigning Banana Cake Queen. Ever the perpetual good girl and obedient daughter, Jennifer is buckling under the weight of her social media celebrity, her mother’s ambitions, and her father’s puritanical mandates. Jennifer is officially desperate.

And desperate times call for Cletus Winston.

Cletus Winston is a puzzle wrapped in a mystery covered in conundrum sauce, and now he’s in a pickle. Despite being convinced of his own omniscience, extortion by the exalted Banana Cake Queen of Green Valley has taken him completely by surprise. So… what’s a maniacal mastermind to do?

Likely, the last thing you expect.

‘Beard Science’ is the third book in the Winston Brothers series, is a full-length romantic comedy novel, and can be read as a standalone.

My Review

I derived a certain satisfaction in taming wild things or bending them to my will. Instruments, forests, people…

Green Valley is home to the sometimes misunderstood, always drool-worthy Winston brothers, but it’s also home to the Banana Cake Queen. How can quiet, sometimes grumpy, Cletus and always smiling Jennifer come together for a happily ever after? Is it even possible?

I’ve been waiting for this story since I met the Winston brothers. You know, I love Beau and I adore Jethro, but Cletus is my man. Mine! Oops, I didn’t mean to yell but I can get a bit territorial around Cletus (don’t tell my husband!).

Cletus is the sneakiest of them all and has a ton of secrets hidden up the sleeves of his coveralls. He may be extremely smart and cunning, but did you know that he’s sweet and swoon-worthy, too? Oh, yeah, Jennifer will agree with me. Penny Reid has fashioned this incredible story with pesky secrets, unimaginable Cletus romance-ness (not a word, I know), and fall over yourself Winston maleness.

With brilliant dialogue and Tennessee charm, the Winston brothers are back and Cletus is the star of the show. Forget all you know, or think you know, about Cletus and let Penny Reid take you on a lovely journey of quirkiness, strength, romance, and love. Once again, another stellar read from one of my favorite authors.

5 Stars

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