The Beast by Jaden Wilkes Review

the beast teaser

My Review of The Beast by Jaden Wilkes

First, I have to tell you – when I signed up to review this book I never actually thought that I’d get the privilege to read it. My latest obsession has been dark reads. Jaden Wilkes is already an awesome author, but this book put her at the top. It’s dark, twisted, made my stomach drop, almost had me in tears, and then the ending -oh! the sweet mother effin ending! It was fabulous. Some may not be into it. So please use this warning the right way. If it’s not for you don’t read it.

Dimitri, my newest book boyfriend. That’s hard for me to say because I usually stick with just one for the longest time. But, how can I not love a cold-hearted man with tattoos, a body to die for, a hot Russian accent, and scars (chicks dig scars…no lie). He’s been through hell and back. No lie. When the people you thought were your closest family tries to destroy and still you walk away, that’s when you know your strong. Hence, he’s my new book boyfriend.

“as if wounded without the pleasure of a scar…”

Columbia. She’s the girl everyone sees through. Her one goal in life is to protect her sister, and she does protect her from the evil in their own home. She has a major crush on this environmental guy, so she tries to impress him by sneaking into Jarrod Jacobs penthouse (really it’s Dimitri.) Little does Columbia know that Dimitri isn’t afraid to hurt, beat, manipulate, or terrify the hell out of interrogating her to see if she’s really who she say’s she is. This is when you use that warning because you may not like it.

“Dimi, please, please fuck me, give me your cock. I am begging you, please.”

Dimitri keeps Columbia as his pet, but will her past interfere with his future. Will he just use her for a means to an end, or will she fight for him.

This book may offend sensitive souls, blah, blah, blah….Just read the book you’ll love it. I promise.

★ ★ ★ ★  Stars

  • Dimitri as a (twisted) BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★


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