Beautiful Rose by Missy Johnson Review

beautiful rose cover


Beautiful Rose by Missy Johnson

Book #1 in the Beautiful Rose Series

Release Day:  October 24, 2013


Jack Falcon is a new man. Three years after he left his life behind in London, Jack finally feels settled. He’s surrounded with everything that is important to him; a great relationship with his brother, Alex, a bar he is about to re-open, and most importantly, he has control of his life and his dreams. He knows he can’t undo the wrongs of his past, but he sure as hell can determine his future. He has worked hard to move forward and nothing is going to undo that.

Until he meets Rose.

Rose Wilson has never felt normal. Since she was a child, Rose has felt nothing but the overwhelming desire to end her life and she has no idea why. We live to die, so what’s the point in living? Rose has pushed the limits in the past, and pushed people away. She can’t figure out why Jack and Alex are so insistent on helping her. Twelve years of therapy has failed to help her, so why should they be any different?

Jack sees just how beautiful and important Rose is, but convincing her of that means putting his heart on the line, something he isn’t sure he can do. He can’t deny his feeling for Rose, but that doesn’t mean he has to act on them. And Jack isn’t the only one developing feelings for Rose.

Before Rose, Jack vowed he would never let himself fall in love again.

Before Rose, he had control.

But sometimes, it’s losing control that makes you really see what’s really important in your life.


My Review

Haven’t read Seduce yet? Read my full review here before reading Beautiful Rose.

If you have read Seduce, have you been wondering what happened to Jack? Look no further! We get our loveable, reformed playboy back for Beautiful Rose. This second book in the series recaps some of Jack’s past, but to get the heart-wrenching torture that Jack felt, you must read Seduce first.

At the end of the first book, Jack leaves England and moves to New York to be near his brother, Alex. Alex works as a phychologist and I love the relationship between him and Jack. They can tell each other anything and be honest with one another, although by the end of the book each is holding onto his own secret.

I love the way that Missy Johnson creates characters that make you feel connected. You want to know what happens to them because you are feeling what they are feeling. You want to know Rose’s story and you want Jack to finally find love, again. Beautiful Rose is a romantic love story betwen two broken and damaged souls.

Beautiful Rose begins three years after Seduce ends. Three years into Jack’s life in New York, he buys a bar and fixes it up to create The Chill Bar.  He is surrounded by his friends that he has worked with over the last few years.  Jack is in need a waitress and asks his brother for suggestions. Alex suggests Rose.

I did mention Alex is a pyschologist right!?!….Rose applies for the job to help escape her own inner demons while Jack tries not to fall in love ever again. Rose just doesn’t think she should let love in for fear she would hurt those she would leave behind.  Will Rose deal with her demons the only way she knows how, by reverting back to her self-harming ways. Beautiful Rose deals with the emotions of someone who attempts suicide multiple times and has been institutionalized in the past. Can Jack find his way to love again and can Rose find herself worthy of love?

Benj, Ash, and Darcy are great secondary characters that intertwine their lives with both Rose and Jack. They have a great raport and it is good to see Rose becoming comfortable around other people.

I LOVE this well-written roller coaster ride by Missy Johnson. She did it again. Another MUST READ.

The next installment is Alex’s book and I’m looking forward to reading it and finding out what happens. I’d give this book 4 stars.

About the Author

Missy lives in a small town in Central Victoria with her husband, and her confused pets (a dog who thinks she’s a cat, a cat who thinks he’s a dog…you get the picture).

When she’s not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read.

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#0.5 Seduce

#1 Beautiful Rose

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Seduce is on sale for only 99 cents through November 1st.

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