Bent By H.B. Heinzer On Sale for 99 Cents!

bent 99 cents

Don’t miss this opportunity to pick up Bent by H.B. Heinzer for only 99 cents!

Bent is the first book in the Back to Brooklyn series. Breaking the Rules (Book 2) will be released next week, so to celebrate H.B. Heinzer has Bent on sale! I have a soft spot in my heart for Bent because it was the very first romance novel I read (I know!). After that, I was hooked and there was no going back.

If you haven’t read Bent yet (and you should) here’s a little synopsis from Amazon

If there’s one thing Julia Wilson has learned in life, it’s that you can’t push your own dreams to the background for anyone. Newly divorced, Julia returns to the hometown she once swore would never see her again. Her plan is simple; enjoy the cheap rent her friend is offering and stay just long enough to develop a plan to make her own dreams come true.

It doesn’t take long before Julia realizes she’s made a big mistake.

Micah Anderson came closer to breaking Julia than anyone else ever had. After promising her forever, he broke her heart the week before she left for college. Now, Julia’s back in town and he’s going to have to tell her the truth about why he left her. It’s not possible to hide a twelve year old child when you live in a town of 5,000 people.

Is following her dreams worth it if it means giving up on a second chance with her first love? Is trying to make a relationship work worth it if his past becomes a threat to her safety?

Pick up Bent while it’s on sale and be sure to buy Breaking the Rules when it is released.

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