Black Lies by Alessandra Torre Review

Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

Lauren Watson-Perry, Perrywinkle Photography



Became a tech billionaire by his twentieth birthday. Has been in a relationship with me for 3 years.
Has proposed 4 times. Been rejected 4 times.

Cuts grass when he’s not banging housewives. Good with his hands, his mouth, and his cock. Has been pursued relentlessly by me for almost 2 years, whether he knows it or not.

Go ahead. Judge me. You have no idea what my love entails.

If you think you’ve heard this story before, trust me – you haven’t.

My Review of Black Lies

Brant. A full session with a man where the focus was on one thing: my pleasure. His orgasm came, it was always included, the final act, but it was a side effect, not the goal.

Motherf*cking wow. Just wow. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Alessandra’s mind. It’s a bit twisted, a bit sexy, and undeniably awesome. Period. Done. Shut the front door.

If you’ve read Sex Love Repeat, which you should, you may think this storyline has been done before. Yep. The answer is that I’ve never read a story quite like Black Lies. Part romance, part deception, part suspense…all rolled into one freaking amazing story. I stayed on the edge of my seat with this storyline.

I turned and headed for the bar, my path to hell lined with neon signs and temptation, all in the form of Lee.

Okay, so one wealthy woman…two men. One wealthy, one not so much. Alessandra created these characters with emotion, flaws, and love. Each man could give Layana something the other couldn’t and with that how do you choose? Layana is a smart woman, bent on making the best decisions with the opportunities she’s given. *shh, I can’t tell you anything else*

This is definitely NOT a story you’ve read before, and because of that I cannot and will not be sharing any of the storyline with you. I’m just going to say…buy it now. One of the best books I’ve read this year, hands down. If you like a good mind-f*ck, this is it. You’ll be a mess at the end, but you’ll enjoy the trip.

★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

  •  Brant as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2
  • Lee as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ 1/2
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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About the Author

alessandra torre image

Alessandra Torre is a USA Today Bestselling author who focuses on contemporary erotica. Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, was published in July 2012, and was an Erotica #1 Bestseller for two weeks.

Alessandra lives in the gulf coast of Florida and is married, with one young child. She enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and playing with her dogs. Her favorite authors include Lisa Gardner, Gillian Flynn, and Jennifer Crusie.

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