HIM by Carey Heywood Review

My Review of HIM by Carey Heywood

HIM is Carey Heywood’s debut novel and it a is the cronological story of a forever love, from friendship to lovers. Sarah Miller is forced to work with Will Price in a 7th grade class project. They quickly become best friends after being forced to work together. Follow Sarah through middle school, high school, college, and the real world. This is Sarah’s story and is only told from her point of view.

Sarah likes Will, but she doesn’t believe that he can love someone like her. She sees herself as plain and boring; brown eyes and brown hair. But he tries to make her see she is so much more than that. Once they start dating and graduate high school, lies come between them and Sarah makes the decision to leave. Too many years pass before Sarah and Will are destined to meet again. They are forced to spend time with each other for the sake of her brother’s wedding.

I wish it hadn’t taken Sarah so long to see what Will sees in her and to believe she was better than those other girls. I truly feel bad for Will because of the forces that worked to tear him and Sarah apart.

Will Sarah take the time to listen to Will and find out what happened? Will she believe what he says? We watch as she struggles with her emotions, the ones that she has bottled up for 7 years, and decides what she needs to do to make herself happy.

I like the storyline of best friends falling in love and other than Sarah’s insecurity and it taking 7 years to figure everything out, I really liked the novel. I really like Will’s character, he is an honest guy, sexy, loving, and doesn’t give up. It’s interesting to see how Sarah grows over the course of her life, and what she does to keep her mind off of Will and make her life better.

I wish there was more of present day, but it was nice to get the full story and background. This is a cliffhanger, but don’t worry the follow up, HER will be released October 2013.

HIM by Carey Heywood is available on Amazon.

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