Catch My Fall by Ella Fox Review | Giveaway

catch my fall cover

Catch My Fall (The Catch Series #1) by Ella Fox

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  • Genre: New Adult
  • Release: October 10,2013
  • Cover Designed By : Melissa Gill
  • Blog Tour organized by : SMI Promotions

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Mia Reeve’s faith, trust and sense of security were all taken away in the blink of an eye. In need of a fresh start, she settles into a new town and begins to make a new life.

Tristan Chamberlain has always kept girls at arms length and he has no intention of changing.

He’s caring, smart, handsome, but he’s also dealing with a lifetime of guilt that’s slowly but surely destroying him.

Sometimes the thing that you run from is the one thing that will save you.

Separately, they’re both free-falling. Together, they’re about to find that love can create the strongest safety net of all.

My Review

This is a Young Adult story with a heroine and a best friend that are victims of sexual assault. We don’t find out the whole story until a few chapters in and little by little, the trauma is revealed. Things that should never happen to high school girls, or anyone else for that matter.

We meet Mia as she is beginning college life, five hours from home. She needed a change and she needed to get away. She has a less than desirable (that’s putting it nicely) father and a wonderful and supportive mom. Mia is a strong girl, bent on not letting guys get to close because she needs to protect herself and her heart. But, in walks Mr. Melty Chocolate Eyes. Holy Moly! Super hot, caring, lovable, sexy Tristan. Yum!

Tristan is fighting demons of his past and Mia is fighting her demons, but can they help each other? Can they trust each other enough to find happiness? I’m not telling. 😉 I will let you know that Catch My Fall has a happily ever after for all involved, except the bad guys.

If you are looking for a little girlfriend bonding, delicious sex scenes with hottie Tristan, and some middle school moments (think passing notes) – this is your book. Ella Fox hits the mark on the new college freshman vibe, young adult story, that has your heartstrings pulling for Mia and Tristan.

catch my fall teaser

Catch My Fall Book Trailer



ella fox

About the Author

Ella Fox is a thirty-something (not that far off from forty) author who writes like a woman possessed whenever she gets the chance! She is the author of The Hart Family Series, The Renegade Saints Series and The Catch Series.

When she’s not writing, Ella indulges the gypsy in her blood and travels the country. Ella loves reading, movies, music, buying make-up, reading Tmz, Twitter and pedicures… not necessarily in that order. She has a wild sense of humor and loves to laugh. Her favorite thing in the world is hanging out with her family and watching comedy movies.

Social Media Links

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First Giveaway:

Ella Fox is giving away a Kindle Fire HD.

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