Clemency by Leah Parker Release Blitz


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Clemency_Amazon_iBooksThey say everything happens for a reason. I say that’s a lie.

What reason would there be for one of the only people I love to die?

On the day of her best friend’s funeral, Gaia Terrone meets Quillen Jacobs in the most unusual of circumstances. When Gaia makes the decision to follow after Quillen, she had no idea just how far she’d be following him.

Determined to learn more about her, Quillen sets out to capture Gaia’s heart, but the guilt of the past holds him back.

When the truth is finally exposed, Quillen is faced with the reality that it may be too late. With the truth of their pasts threatening to keep them apart, Quillen fights to capture the heart of the woman whose eyes haunt him at night.

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FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

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Head over to the Author’s page to enter the giveaway!

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Leah resides on the coast of Massachusetts. She’s been an avid reader since fourth grade when she fell in love with the “Dear America” books and Harry Potter. When she’s not writing, she’s likely reading. Though she doesn’t much believe in fantasy, she does make an exception for all things Disney. Leah received a degree in psychology this past May, and she has absolutely no idea what she wants to do with it. She enjoys wine, Italian food, candles, coffee, and being outside.

She hates cold weather, long pants, staying in one place for too long, and going to bed (though she does love sleeping.) Leah has always had a passion for writing, but it wasn’t until the Winter of 2015 that she finally got an idea in her head for her first novel, Clemency, which she wrote the following Summer. She is currently working on her second novel.

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