SEALs of Honor: Corey by Dale Mayer Excerpt

SEALs of Honor: Corey by Dale Mayer

Release Date April 10, 2018

When a voice from the past cries out for help, Corey shows up to meet the only woman to rock his world. But twelve years is a long time. Both have moved on, and the woman he meets is no longer the lighthearted girl he knew.

Angela is caught in a nasty divorce and custody case. She’ll do anything to keep her son. Only after seven years of marriage she still doesn’t understand what her husband is truly like.

But she’s finding out.

Determined to help his old flame, even after she makes it clear she doesn’t want or need his help, Corey finds out she’s taken out insurance to help her case. But it’s an insurance that’s likely to get her killed.

The race is on to keep her safe against a man who has no intention of letting her or her son go – unless it’s in a casket…

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COREY HANDLEMAN WOKE up, surprised to find it as late as it was. Being in the navy, he rarely slept in. But it was already six-thirty. He rolled over and checked his cell phone for a text from Macklin. Corey was not at all sure what had gone on last night. But he had a suspicion his friend was taking a step that might not be in his best interests. He sent a quick text. Where are you?

There was no response. He frowned, got up, had a quick shower and put on some coffee. His phone rang.

It was Mason. “Did you hear the news?”

“What news?”

“They caught Marsha’s killer.”

Corey let out his breath with a heavy gust. “Thank God for that.” He frowned. “Who was it?”

“Her girlfriend.”

“But nobody said she had one.”

“Marsha kept her a secret. Even though the girlfriend lived there, she wasn’t allowed to let anybody know. She went in and out of the balcony door. The police only found out at the station after picking her up.”

“Ouch. Makes it hard to have a relationship if you’re always going out the back door. How long were they together?”

“Off and on for over a year, but they’ve known each other for quite a few years. It wasn’t somebody Marsha ever talked about.”

“And I suppose they didn’t go to parties together—do girl stuff?”


“And how did you get all this information?”

“I contacted the station and talked to them this morning. Alex was just leaving. Anyway, she gave me the heads-up on some of the details. She and Macklin were heading to bed.”

“So that’s why Macklin didn’t answer his phone.” Corey chuckled. “Well, I could see that one coming.”

“It’s good for Macklin. He’s waited a long while to find somebody.”

“Yeah, he has.”

“Your turn, Corey,” Mason said. “Isn’t it time for you now?”

“There’s nobody special in my life,” Corey explained. He walked to the window and stared out. “Maybe it’ll happen one day.”

Mason smiled, his voice laughing as he said, “Pretty darn sure it will happen sooner than later. You seem to have a lot of women in your life.”

“Not really. Although I did meet one for coffee a few days ago. But that wasn’t a girlfriend. She was my sister’s best friend. And it was hardly a social visit.”

“If it wasn’t a social visit, what was it? What did she want?” Mason asked with curiosity in his voice.

Corey hesitated.

“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s all right,” Mason said. “I’m just curious.”

“The thing is, I don’t know what she wanted. She called me and asked to meet. We sat and had coffee. Then she suddenly seemed to get nervous. Changed her mind. I tried to talk her into staying, but she wouldn’t. She just said she had to go.”

“Is she okay?”

“I don’t know. I called my sister, left several messages, but I haven’t heard from her either.”

“How long ago was this?”

“Two days. But with all this going on with Macklin and Marsha, I put it out of my mind.”

“How do you suggest we make sure both of them are okay?”

“I should have heard from my sister, but she’s been really busy. I don’t know what’s going on with Angela.”

“Was she looking for help?”

“I don’t know. She told me that she was fine, apologized for having bothered me. Then she stood and left. I walked out to the car with her. But she wouldn’t have anything to do with me. Honestly, she pissed me off, so I just put it out of my mind.”

“So it’s not like she was being followed or anything?” Mason asked in a sharp tone.

“Not that I could see.”

“So tell me. Who was she?”

Corey sighed. He turned to face the small room, walked over to the coffeepot, poured himself a cup and said, “Somebody from my past.”

About the Author:

Dale Mayer is a prolific multi-published writer. She’s best known for her Psychic Vision Series. Besides her romantic suspense/thrillers, Dale also writes paranormal romance and crossover young adult books in different genres.

To go with her fiction, she writes nonfiction in many different fields with books available on resume writing, companion gardening and the US mortgage system.

She has recently published her Career Essentials Series.

All her books are available in print and digital format.

And then there’s her poetry…

My Path

As I walk forward on my path to the future,

I choose laughter, love, and light as my sutures,

stitching together my lifetime of choices,

as the essential fabric of my being rejoices

in the love, friendships, and faith that follow

the steps I take as I flow into my tomorrow.

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