Crashing Back Down by Kristen Hope Mazzola Review

My Review of Crashing Back Down by Kristen Hope Mazzola

Well, where do I start? This book had so many twists and turns I think I may have gotten whiplash at one point. I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing, but I just kept thinking that I didn’t know how much worse things could get before Mags cracked. She was doing a lot of drinking and I don’t think that was dealt with during Crashing Back Down. Although, if I was in her position I may never have gotten out of bed again and just downed wine like it was water.

This is ultimately Mags and Walker’s story. Mags as a widow and Walker as her husband’s best friend. Is he there to protect her because of a promise he made or is he there because he has stronger feelings? You’ll have to read to find out.

Other than the drinking and crying, Mags was truly a strong woman. She lost her husband, she was having feelings for her husband’s best friend, and dealing with her mother. But, she’s getting through it the best she can and I’m not giving you any more of the story. Know that this is a CLIFFHANGER!! Yep, I read this book months ago and had to wait for the second book. Of course, now the second book is out and available to read right after you get done reading this one. My review of Falling Back Together will be posted tomorrow.

Kristen Hope Mozzala creates a story of tragedy, loss, love, and guilt that keeps the pages turning. I was hooked from beginning to end.

★ ★ ★ Stars

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