Craving Constellations by Nicole Jacquelyn Review

Craving Constellations is a great story from first time author, Nicole Jacquelyn.

This book depicts everything that should be in a MC (motorcycle club) and is NOT for the faint of heart. That doesn’t mean you won’t absolutely fall in love with the characters. It’s dirty, gritty, and truly depicts what can happen in life.

I’m warning you now there is an instance where there is a backhand that may make you want to shy away. I still loved the book, and I’m not saying I agree with it, but this is a motorcycle club. It does have HEA, and in my opinion, makes the story better.

Brenna (Poet’s daughter and VP of Aces MC)  runs away  after one night with Dragon. She wants a life besides the MC life and honest husband one that she won’t have to worry if her husband will be locked up. Five years later she’s running from worse than the MC life, she’s running from her husband and straight back to Aces. This book takes you on a journey of Breena and Dragon’s  roller coaster ride of a life.

Craving Constellations a great start to the Aces series and can’t wait to read more from the author. The story flowed freely and was easy to get caught up in the MC life, along with everything else going on in Brenna and Dragon’s lives. I give it a solid 3.5 stars.

  • Hotness Level: ♥♥♥
  • Swoon Level: ♥♥♥

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