Crying Wolf (Black River Pack, #1) by Rochelle Paige Release Blitz

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Crying Wolf (Black River Pack, #1) by Rochelle Paige

Release Date: Dec. 1st


Grace Shaw is on the run from her crazy ex-boyfriend who refuses to believe their relationship is over. He’s a cop and is willing to use police resources
to track her down. So Grace comes up with a plan and tricks his fellow brothers in blue into thinking crying wolf a couple of times when he’s reported her
missing. Little does she know she’ll go running into the arms of a real wolf when she finally makes her escape for real.

She just wants to be left alone, but then she meets Hunter Tate – the alpha of the Black River Pack. Grace tries to hold Hunter at arm’s length, but
there’s just no reasoning with an alpha male werewolf who insists she’s his mate.

This is book one in the Black River Pack series. Each novella will feature a different couple.


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