Darkest Before Dawn by Maya Banks Review

darkest before dawn cover

Darkest Before Dawn by Maya Banks

Series: KGI

Release Date: October 27, 2015


The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super-elite, top secret, family-run business.
Qualifications: High intelligence, rock-hard body, military background.
Mission: Hostage/kidnap victim recovery. Intelligence gathering. Handling jobs the U.S. government can’t…

The enigmatic Hancock has been both opponent and ally to the KGI teams for as long as they’ve known him. Always working a deep game, Hancock’s true allegiance has never been apparent, but one thing is for certain—he never lets anything get in the way of duty.

But now, his absolute belief in the primacy of his ultimate goal is challenged by a captive he’s been ordered to guard, no matter how much she suffers in her prison. She’s the only woman who’s ever managed to penetrate the rigid walls surrounding his icy heart, but will he allow his perplexing feelings for the beautiful victim to destroy a mission he’s spent years working to complete or will he be forced to sacrifice her for “the greater good.”

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My Review of Darkest Before Dawn by Maya Banks

Action, suspense, and hotness combine to make Darkest Before Dawn by Maya Banks an incredible read. I will tell you that this is my first KGI read, but still felt all of the emotions, all of the connections, and all of the heartbreak with the characters.

Honor is strong, resilient, and a born fighter. She is a good and honest person, who finds herself in the most tragic of situations. Who will save Honor, or can she save herself? Hancock, on the other hand, isn’t all that likable when we meet. He’s gruff, dishonest, and only has one goal in mind (the greater good).

I felt every injury Honor suffered and I gasped when there were twists in the story. I had tears in my eyes and wanted to hurt Hancock so many times it isn’t even funny. But the great thing about a story, is that as the situation unfolds, more truths come to light. Does Hancock have a heart and will he listen to it? Does Honor have a prayer of returning to her family?

I’ll be honest in the fact that I couldn’t connect with the book until after the first quarter. It didn’t hold my attention and I put the book down for a week before attempting again. After the quarter mark it did pick up and after the halfway point I was hooked.

Maya Banks takes us on an incredible journey of despair, hatred, loss, hope, faith, and love. This is a book that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading.

★ ★ ★ 1/2  –  ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ 1/2

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