HIS by Dawn Robertson
Release Date: 9/28/14
Genra: Erotica, Contemporary Romance
My Review
If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you’ll know that I LOVE me some Dawn Robertson. I’ll just call her genre: SMUT. Really. Really Good Smut.
We’ve followed the journey of the HERS series from Hers, Finding Willow, Kink the Halls, This Girl Stripped, Seven’s Diary, and finally His. Whew – what a ride. Seven is the ultimate Domme bad-ass. Levi not so much. Dawn Robertson brings us full circle with this final book of the HERS series.
This quote in HIS sums the characters up perfectly.
Dominatrix, porn stars, strippers, bikers…and a f*in’ partridge in a pear tree.
HIS took me a bit longer to settle into because the beginning of the book was dealing with the past instead of the present. I was trying to picture everything that happened in my head so it took a little while for me to find my reading groove. HIS actually takes place a year after the incident that happened in Star’s basement (you know the one).
All of our favorites show up in this final book of the HERS series. Seven, Star, Chrome, Levi, Diesel is there for a minute, but the one I want to know more about is Ryker. You remember Ryker as the one who had a thing going on with Diesel, along with others. But, I digress. Ryker. I want more Ryker.
A new character comes to play in this story as well, Lyric. I actually loved her character and I hope that she will return during Ryker’s story. The HIS storyline deals mostly with what is going on in the lives of Seven and Levi, as well as the state of their marriage. Chrome and Levi actually work together at one point and those scenes I found really interesting because Chrome is all biker bad-ass and Levi is a suit who is his total opposite.
Dawn Robertson wraps the HERS series up perfectly and gives everyone their just rewards. If you can overlook the fact that Levi really should man up, I’d say she’s done a terrific job with the entire series. Well Done, Dawn.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars
- Levi as a BBF: ★ ★ ★
- Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
- Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★
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