HERS by Dawn Robertson Review

Disclosure: I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are completely my own.

My Review of HERS by Dawn Robertson

Warning!!!! Hers contains sexually explicit situations that may be uncomfortable for some. These include FF, FMF, and MFM interactions.

Looking for a sexy, hot, afternoon read? This is a quick read with lots of romance, drama, and sex. 😉

Okay, I don’t curse on this website, but HOLY F*ING HOTNESS! This book absolutely ROCKS! It is a quick read, but there is so much going on. Seven is the best heroine I’ve read in months. I love her quirkiness, her honesty, and her passion. I love her sick sense of humor, but she’s so screwed up. Very screwed up.

She is hell bent on revenge and she finds it, but not before starting to feel emotions that she’s never felt before. Enter Levi, sex-on-a-stick, lovable, and holy hotness! He understands Seven’s screwiness (is that a word?) and loves her anyway. He just needs to make her see she isn’t a bad person.

Newcomer Dawn Robertson totally hits it out of the park with her first novel. This is a book I will be re-reading again and again. HERS is a complete novel with no cliffhangers and a very happy ending. You will swoon over Levi and want to be best friends with Seven.

        • Hotness Level:♥♥♥♥♥
        • Levi as a BBF: ♥♥♥♥
        • Swoon Level ♥♥♥♥♥

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