Dirty Little Lies by Clare James Review and Giveaway


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My Review of Dirty Little Lies by Clare James

“Look. I know your first time can be jarring. But lean on me, and I’ll get you through it. After all, we not only worship Venus here, but every woman.”

First of all, let me just tell you how much I couldn’t wait to read this book! It has been sitting in my kindle screaming come read me. So I finally had the time to sit down and read it, and boy was I so glad that I did. I received this as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. So, please sit back and enjoy all the delights this book will bring you.

What’s a girl to do when she finds condoms in her live in boyfriend’s luggage? Knowing they haven’t been using them in the past and especially when the luggage is new. That’s exactly what happens to 29 year old Stevie. She knew the sex was lackluster but decided to deal with it since she loved him, and they had been in a committed relationship. Once she confronts Max he doesn’t deny it or explain the reason why. H just leaves on a business trip and gives her time to think. After indulging and binging on all the not so fun break-up girl stuff, she packs her bags and their shared bird (Free) – that’s totally his name…LOL… and moves into a hotel to try and get her sexy back (insert Justin Timberlakes song now). YAY!

She goes down to the bar and as luck would have it, she meets the wickedly hot Gabe. Entrepreneur and devishly well dressed Gabe is up for the challenge to bring her sexy back. What she doesn’t know about Gabe, but will soon learn is that he knows how to give a girl an orgasm with out using his hands or mouth or body….whew! It goes from steamy to downright effin hot and sexy. Did I mention the BDSM elements and The Club? Let me just tell you it makes praying to the gods a totally different way. He takes her on an adventure she never thought she could explore.

What happens when Max comes back into her life? Will she make amends with Max or will she move forward with Gabe? This is a MUST READ book.

★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2 Stars

  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★

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About the Author

clare james

Clare James is the author of steamy contemporary romance and new adult novels: BEFORE YOU GO and MORE. A former dancer, Clare still loves to get her groove on—mostly to work off her beloved cupcakes and red wine.

A fan of spunky women, gorgeous guys, and super-hot romance, Clare spends most of her time lost in books. She lives in Minneapolis with her two leading men—her husband and young son—and loves to hear from her fans.

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