The Dumont Diaries by Alessandra Torre Review

My Review of The Dumont Diaries by Alessandra Torre

First off, I have to say how much I’ve loved every book by Alessandra Torre that I’ve had the pleasure of reading. Hot, sexy, romantic, and steamy love scenes. In.Every.Book. I can’t believe it has taken me this long to finish this series. I read the first book a few months ago, but just now bought the entire mini-series in one book and I couldn’t put it down.

From the first scene to the last, I was compelled to keep reading because her characters were so intense. That and I didn’t know who to trust or what twist was going to come up next.

Candy is working at the Crystal Palace when she meets a sexy stranger. He returns a few times before he gives her a proposition that could change her life. Once she makes her decision her life changes drastically. But, what happens when arrangement isn’t what is in your best interest? There are so many twists and turns in this book, including two very sexy men. Nathan and Drew.

Nathan would be the cold, alpha-male, with a wall around his heart. Drew would be the sexy security for Nathan. There is so much going on this book and I don’t want to give anything away, just know that this is another winner by Alessandra Torre and is on my must read erotic romance list.

★ ★ ★   Stars

  • Nathan as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★ 
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★

The Dumont Diaries by Alessandra Torre On Sale for a Limited Time Amazon | B&N | Kobo

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