Finding Willow by Dawn Robertson Only 99 Cents!

finding willow 99 cents

Grab Finding Willow by Dawn Robertson now!

On Sale for only 99 cents this week.

Where do you turn when all the bridges you have built in life have gone up in flames?
When the ones you love don’t protect you from the monsters lurking in the dark?

I never thought at twenty-eight-years-old I would have nothing to show for my life.
A child given away for strangers to raise.
A childhood ruined.
A life full of dead ends, drug abuse, and one night stands.

I’m at a crossroads, and I have a choice to make. I choose salvation.
I choose life. I choose myself, for the first time ever.

I will find her. I will find the life I was forced to give up.
I just pray that he stays out of my way.

I am Starburst Bloom and this is my story.

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