Finn Beckett by MJ Fields Review

finn beckett

Finn Beckett by MJ Fields

Rockers of Steel, Book 2

I walked through hell, some of it caused by myself. Things were torn away from me that I would never get back. Hearts were broken beyond repair. Then mayhem ensued, and I lost who I was.
Music was always part of it. Music almost killed me. It dragged me in, caught me up, and almost destroyed me. I lost who I was and became someone I never wanted to be.
Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. The release, the buzz, the electric guitar’s rage against all that was f’ed up in the world. It took me away and made me feel something when I was a soulless nothing … until the high wore off.
Music also brought me back.
I woke to a Zeppelin song, face down in my own vomit, next to a pile of coke and with three naked women at my feet. Disgusted with myself, disgusted with them, I walked, and I walked alone.
One chance meeting, a golden opportunity, a chance of a lifetime changed it all.
The sins of the past are behind me now. The day has finally come when I will walk onstage, not as an opening act, but as the act. Hours before my dream comes to fruition, though, I run into a girl, one f’ing girl, and I am back on the path of destruction

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Memphis Black (Book 1) Review + Excerpt



“I’ve tasted better.” His eyes lazily gaze down my body, causing me to squirm inside, but I hold it together. He takes the Blow Pop and rubs it across my lower lip before I am able to react. “So have you.”

“Enough,” I whisper. “That’s enough.”

He rolls his blood shot eyes and lets out a slow sigh. “Not yet it’s not.”

“You’re high. That’s your problem, you know. You hate me when you’re sober, so why not make that your reason to ‘just say no.’ ” I air quote the anti- drug catch phrase.

His eyes dance in amusement. They are lighter, clearer, less mucky, and how messed up is that? He’shigh!

“I’d rather be like Nike and just do it.” He makes the swish with his finger, and I can’t help staring at it. It’s long and thick and— “You liked it.”

“I’m not a piece of ass,” comes out louder than I intended, and he looks at me more sternly. Then I whisper, “I told you that the other night.”

“Then you came all over my face.”
When I gasp, he pulls his shades down, turns around, pops the Blow Pop back in his mouth, and then grips the arm rests as we ascend into the air. I quickly unwrap another sour apple Blow Pop and pop it in my mouth. Then I look out of the corner of my eye to see he’s smirking.

“That flavor suits you better.” 


finn beckett teaser

My Review of Finn Beckett by MJ Fields

And she’s back! MJ Fields once again brings us sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll. Finn Beckett is the epitome of a bearded book boyfriend. All attitude, sexiness, and heart. With just the right amount of angst and lust, Finn Beckett makes for a great afternoon read. You’ll find that it’s easy to get lost in brown eyes and a bass guitar.

Can hate turn to love? What if there are secrets between them? How far can you go without being honest? I enjoyed the banter between Finn and Sonya, and really liked their intimacy. Even when there wasn’t sex, there was the building of a foundation for a relationship. With a few twists and turns throughout the book, you’ll be hooked and want to keep reading.

Between parts of the book that felt rushed and parts that felt drawn out, there was a balance between the two that made for a good read. So, grab a sour apple blow pop and settle in for a fun and feisty ride.

★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

  • Memphis as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ 1/2
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★
    Swoon Level: ★ ★ 1/2

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author MJ FIELDS’s love of writing was in full swing by age eight.
Together with her cousins, she wrote a newsletter and sold it for ten cents to family members. She self-published her first New Adult romance in January 2013. Today she has completed six self-published series,The Love series, The Wrapped series, The Burning Souls series, The Men of Steel series, Ties of Steel series, and The Norfolk series.
MJ is a hybrid author who publishes an Indie book almost every month, and is signed with a traditional publisher, Loveswept, Penguin Random House, for her co- written series The Caldwell Brothers. Hendrix is available now, Morrison will be released on December 22nd, 2015.
There is always something in the works, and she has three, yes, three, new series coming out this summer, and fall.
MJ was a former small business owner, who closed shop so she could write full time.
MJ lives in central New York, surrounded by family and friends. Her house is full of
pets, people, friends, and noise ninety percent of the time, and she would have it no other way.

Follow MJ
Twitter: @mjfieldsbooks
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