Forever Family by MJ Fields Cover Reveal

Forever Family by MJ Fields

Jase and Carly Summer Loving Part ‘Due’

Life on the Jersey Shore has been quiet as of late. All four Steel men have fallen for the women of their dreams and have become the men Momma Joe knew they would be one day.

Jase and Carly are anxiously awaiting the birth of their son, who seems to be as stubborn as the rest of the Steel men.

At two weeks over due and unable to sleep, Carly finishes one of the books she is reading with her virtual book club. This hot new read, coupled with her already raging pregnancy hormones, wreaks havoc with Carly’s libido.

She wakes her husband up by playing with one of his piercings. One thing leads to another when something completely unexpected happens, something that would only happen to a girl like Carly.

You are invited to a shower—of sorts, and a wedding, and well—all kinds of the Steel hotness you have come to expect.

Which Steel man melts your panties? Jase? Cyrus? Zandor? Xavier? Oh hell it doesn’t matter, you’ll get a little hot Steel from each one all wrapped up in this one short, yet satisfying novella.

Forever Steel.


Men of Steel Reviews

Cyrus | Zandor | Xavier |

Men of Steel #1

Men of Steel #1.5

Men of Steel #2

Men of Steel #3

Men of Steel #4

Men of Steel #4.5


MJ Fields’s love of writing was in full swing by age eight. Together with her cousins, she wrote a newsletter and sold it to family members. Today, she has four self-published series comprised of seventeen titles, including MEN OF STEEL, which was acquired by Swoon Romance in June 2014. MJ is a bestselling erotica author and former small business owner, who recently closed the business so she could write full time.

MJ lives in central New York, surrounded by family and friends. Her house is full of pets, friends, and noise ninety percent of the time, and she would have it no other way. 


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