Forgiven by Rebecca Brooke Review

My Review of Forgiven by Rebecca Brooke

This is another coming-of-age book set on a college campus. Both Caleb and Angelina have secrets from their past that are going to come out. I’m going to tell you now that when I started reading the book, I did not like Caleb – at all. It took some time for me to warm up to him, he was just keeping his secrets and was an ass to Angelina. Honestly, he was and that’s the best word for it.

Angelina had been through so much in her young life; verbal abuse since the age of 7.  She was making a better life for herself by going to college and getting away from her father. The way that Caleb treated her was horrible and I honestly didn’t think that I would end up liking him at all, but he grew on me (in a good way). There was a sweet, loving, gentle side to him that he couldn’t fully show until the secret came out.

I liked the secondary characters of Emily and Josh. I’d really like to see what secrets Josh has hidden and see if he can find someone to love. Emily is like a tiny pit-bull if someone messes with her friends, and she is feisty.

I’m putting Forgiven by Rebecca Brooke in the sweet romance category and adding to my beach read list. It’s a good story, with no cliffhanger and a very happy ending.

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