Free Romance Kindle eBooks 4/16/2015

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Complete listing of Free Kindle eBooks.

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REMEMBER: Amazon prices are constantly changing. Prices shown above may have changed since this post published. – Read eBooks using the FREE Kindle Reading App on Most Devices.

2 thoughts on “Free Romance Kindle eBooks 4/16/2015”

  1. I get very frustrated with your page because I can not click on the book I want. It will only open to the web page. So here is the question How do I find the list you have on your web site today 04-16-2015 and where is the link to get to the books. AM I missing something?

    Really frustrated.

    1. Hi!

      I’m sorry you’re having problems. Each picture opens up the Amazon page to purchase the book. If you have a pop-up blocker on your computer, the Amazon screen may not show up.

      I’ve personally tried all of the links myself and haven’t been able to replicate your issue. This is the only page that I have this list on, you can also go to Amazon and search romance books, then organize from lowest to highest cost and choose books that way.

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