Hell’s Kitchen by Callie Hart & Lili Saint Germain Review

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Hell’s Kitchen by Callie Hart & Lili Saint Germain is LIVE!!

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Hell’s Kitchen (Hell’s Kitchen #1)

*From International Bestselling authors Callie Hart and Lili St. Germain comes a tale of two families co-existing in a melting pot of violence, murder and drugs in the seedy underbelly of New York City*

Hell’s Kitchen

Theo and Sal Barbieri are brothers, tasked by their Mafioso father Roberto with a very clear purpose: kidnap Kaitlin McLaughlin. The beautiful daughter of Roberto’s Irish enemy. It’s high time Kaitlin was punished for her father’s sins—not to mention, her own.

And Operation: Kidnap Kaitlin is a roaring success… until it isn’t. When Kaitlin escapes into the busy streets of New York City, it’s a race against the clock to find her before Sal and Theo become the hunted.

Zeth Mayfair has traded his life as a hitman for a quieter existence, but it isn’t long before the past catches up with him in the form of Roberto Barbieri. Will he succumb to the lure of power that Roberto is offering? Or will he retaliate by killing every last Barbieri in New York to get them off his back?

Jason Ross is running. Woken in the night by a tip that the Gypsy Brothers are coming for him, he packs a bag and gets his girlfriend the hell out of dodge. Arriving in New York City in the midst of a heatwave is one thing, but being tailed by an entire drug cartel is another.

Worlds collide in Hell’s Kitchen as secrets come to light and sins are punished. Because we might be different in the light of day, but in the darkness, we’re all connected somehow.

Hell’s Kitchen is a serial comprising three volumes: Hell’s Kitchen, Tribeca and Bleecker Street. Volume One releases on March 3rd with a limited-time sale price of 99 cents.

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My Review of Hell’s Kitchen

I really, really can’t be bothered torturing someone today. It’s Friday, I’m hung over as f*ck, and there’s a very real possibility that there’s still a naked woman in my bed at home.

Just when you think that your favorite authors’ minds have run out of ways to write beautiful torture, you get Hell’s Kitchen. Written from multiple points of view, Callie Hart and Lili Saint Germain keep it simple in the fact that each chapter is written from a different character’s point of view.  You don’t have any of this ‘who’s talking now?’ that you get with some authors.

So who are the characters? Let’s talk about the men. You have Theo and Sal Barbieri (Roberto is their Dad), Jason Ross (From The Gypsy Brothers Series), and Zeth Mayfair (From Blood & Roses Series). I’ll let you know that both Juliette (Gypsy Bros.) and Sloane (Blood & Roses) make an appearance, as well. Everyone else, I just want you to read and watch as it all unfolds before you.

Not gonna lie – there are some seriously disturbing scenes in this first episode. Weaved throughout these f*d up scenes, you get bits of humor (twisted as it may be) and delicious chemistry and hot as hell sex. I’ve got to say that I couldn’t put Hell’s Kitchen down. I read it from start to finish just the other night. I will tell you to hide away and lock the door because it truly is an excellent read and you won’t want to be disturbed.

As I was reading it, I could picture it as a movie. You have these well thought out characters, some from different worlds and they all are moving towards the central locations where you know SOMETHING is going to happen. You just aren’t quite sure what, where, and when.

The fact that we learned so much about all the characters in 150-some-odd-pages and got a feel for what they were like as humans, what brought them to where they are today, and just how f*d up their lives could be is a credit to these authors to make me feel so much in such a small amount of time.

Know going in that this is a cliffhanger, but wow, what a ride.

Hell’s Kitchen is gripping, exciting, and seductive. Don’t wait. Go.Get.This.Book!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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“When he lunges for me, I’m ready. I deflect the hand he was going to grab me with, slapping it downward, and then I grab onto his wrist, pulling him off balance. He seesaws forward but then rips his wrist out of my hand. I don’t expect him to turn his slight fumble to his own advantage, but he does. Dropping to the floor, he rolls and kicks out, landing a solid strike to my leg. I have less than a second to brace myself before I’m hitting the concrete.
Then he’s on top of me. “Oh, this is fun, sweetheart. But I don’t really have time to be playing games with you right now.”
He’s reaching for my arms, about to pin me to the ground, but I jab, landing a solid hit with my extended fingertips right in the base of his throat, in his windpipe. He chokes, his body falling sideways, and then I’m on top of him. Through watering eyes and a clearly sore throat, the guy grins up at me, shaking his head. “Well, if you wanna fuck me, I guess I could make some time.” Thrusting upward, he tries to unseat me, but I know this is what’s coming and I’m ready again. I compensate, leaning forward, pressing my gun into the guy’s neck.
“Who are you?”
His body goes still, his hands lifting so they’re palm up in front of him. “You know who I am, sweetheart. I’m the enemy.”
“My boss has quite a few enemy camps. Which one do you belong to?”
“The biggest one,” the guy says, smiling. “The Italian one.”
“So you work for Barbieri?”
“I am a Barbieri.” Lightning fast, he snaps his hand out and clamps it around my throat. The move catches me off guard, has me panicking for the first time. My gun is gone, then, knocked to the ground, skittering away across the blacktop. The guy’s hand tightens around the column of my neck, threatening to squeeze even harder. “What’s wrong?” he asks. “Feeling a little lightheaded?”

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About the Authors

Callie Hart

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Callie has experienced many changes throughout her life, and gone through many ups and downs that have all worked towards shaping and molding her into the person she is today: fun loving, active, social, and hard working. The only thing that has remained a constant throughout her life is writing. Creating characters who will tear your conscience in two is a favorite pastime of Callie’s. There are few real saints and sinners in her books; more often, the denizens of her stories are all very human. Broken, flawed, and always with the potential for redemption.

Despite the subject matter being markedly hot and heavy in comparison to the stories she wrote in elementary school, there will always be an element of fairytale to her work.

Stalk Her: WebsiteFacebookTwitterGoodreadsJoin Callie’s Newsletter

Lili Saint Germain

lili st germain new image

Lili writes dark romance, suspense and paranormal stories. Her serial novel, Seven Sons, was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to be released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband and beautiful daughter, good coffee, Tarantino movies and spending hours on Pinterest.

She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.

Website |Facebook |Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest

hells kitchen vegas signing

Leather & Lace – Las Vegas

BUY TICKETS HERE:http://bit.ly/LLLasVegas

Callie Hart & Lili St. Germain are coming back to the US! Just in time for the release of their joint projectHell’s Kitchen. Join Callie and Lili, Saturday March 14th, at the super cool Inspire News Cafe from 5-7 for a special printing and signing of their newest book and a Q& A session.

Then, come upstairs to the Wayfarer Bar, from 7-9 for cocktails (cash bar) and laughs. It’ll be a fun evening with Hell’s Kitchen chatter, some themed cocktails, light bites and a chance to spend some more time talking about all things Hart St Germain.

**Books that are printed will be available for purchase for around $10. Exact price to be confirmed closer to event date. This is pretty awesome! The machine that prints books while you watch is one of only 30 in the world! You’ll be able to take away your unique, limited edition of Hell’s Kitchen, signed by both authors – There will never be others that look like the ones printed in Vegas.

**Snack foods will be provided.
**All drinks are your responsibility

The Venues

Inspire News Cafe (downstairs) and Wayfarer Bar (upstairs) are both gorgeous, hip venues with kick ass atmosphere! The Wayfarer bar is where we’ll finish the night and is a gorgeous, mad-men inspired bar that will be closed just for attendees!

BUY TICKETS HERE:http://bit.ly/LLLasVegas


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