Just Dessert by Kelly Collins (The Decadent Series, Book 1) Release Blitz Giveaway

Just Dessert by Kelly Collins

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: April 4, 2014



Pure hearted Katarina Cross has a simple life plan; finish school and find a job. Everything is on track until Damon Noble walks onto the scene. He’s the sweetest confection she has ever laid eyes on.

Standing in for a friend who runs an escort service, Kat agrees to accompany one man for one night. How hard could it be? All I have to do is smile and look pretty.

After his last girlfriend left a bad taste in his mouth for commitment, Damon nixes the idea of a relationship. He simply orders and pays for what he needs. Why ask for the full menu when you can just order dessert?

A chance meeting, a book club and a penchant for dessert will change everything.

“Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.”

-Ernestine Ulmer-

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About The Author

Kelly Collins lives in Colorado with her husband James. She’s the proud mother of three young adults that still manage to keep her on her toes and her head spinning. They are her greatest accomplishment.

As a military wife, Kelly has traveled the world like a rock star on tour. This has given her the amazing ability to unpack an entire household in three days—another crowning achievement!

Over her life, she has been a jack-of-all-trades between Dental assisting, teaching, and running her home staging business until finally, one day, she decided to do something she was meant to do. She wrote. And she hasn’t stopped since.

Armed with a glass of wine and her laptop, Kelly loves nothing more than to create a world that any woman would want to live in.




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