Knights’ Sinner by Bella Jewel Review

My Review of Knights’ Sinner by Bella Jewel

Knight’s Sinner is book 3 of the MC Sinners series by Bella Jewel. Both books 1 and 2 are must reads. Check out my full reviews of Hell’s Knights and Heaven’s Sinners before starting Knights’ Sinner. This is a series you cannot miss!

We’ve seen Jackson in both of the previous books and I was so excited to finally read his story. If you’ve read my reviews of the prior two books, you know that I was all for team Cade, but then I turned to team Spike. I’m happy to say I’m still team Spike, but can totally be swayed to team Jackson. 😉

They keep calling Jackson and “old man” and it just makes me giggle, because technically he’s my age. I just think it’s funny that he has all these 20 and 30-somethings calling him old. But, man he can definitely keep up with them. HOT, HOT, HOT!! There are a lot of yummy scenes in this book and even a threesome.

I really didn’t want to like Serenity because she was lying, but truly she didn’t have a choice. Her father is the scum of the earth and would have killed an innocent child, or even Serenity herself. She and Jackson deserve to be happy, so even with their issues they needed to find a way to be together. The story was so intense and action-packed.

Another solid story from Bella Jewel and a great ending to the series. I can’t wait for the novella with Muff’s story.

  • Jackson as a BBF: ♥♥♥♥♥
  • Hotness Level: ♥♥♥♥♥
  • Swoon Level: ♥♥♥♥

Now available on Amazon.

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