Life After Taylah by Bella Jewel Review and Release Blitz

 Life After Taylah by Bella Jewel

Release Date: May 26, 2014




My mother’s name is Taylah, and once, a very long time ago, she was my best friend – she was everything I wanted to be.

Until the night she disappeared.

Ten years on and my life, my families lives and the world around us has never been the same again.
How can it be when you are left not knowing?

No leads. No connections. Nothing. Just pure emptiness.

My dancing is the only way I can separate myself from the pain that lies in my home, in my father’s eyes and in my brother’s spirit. They need me and I’ll fight with everything I am to be there for them, but who will be there for me?

Then I meet Nate.

Champion Motocross racer and everything my father doesn’t want for me. He’s forbidden, he’s beautiful, and he’s carrying a bundle of his own secrets.

When I step into his world, there is no turning back.

He will consume me.

He will teach me how to breathe again.

He will put a tiny piece of my broken heart, back together.

My Review of Life After Taylah

First, let me tell you I’ve always fan-girled on Bella Jewel. I mean who wouldn’t – she has the best MC series out there. So, when she announced that she as going towards a more forbidden romance. I was all for it. I received Life After Taylah at 10:41 pm and didn’t put it down till well after 2 am. You know how some parts can just drift on and on in a book? Not this book. It has you riveted from the prologue.

Avery has loved her mom since the beginning of time, and her mom has loved her and the eldest son Liam like nobody’s business. When Taylah (the kids’ mom) goes missing when Avery at the age of 14, Avery shuts down emotionally and focuses on school and ballet.

Ten years later, Avery still finds herself thinking about how her mother could just up and vanish. Her father is a cold-hearted scoundrel (yes I just used the word scoundrel, but that is what he is.) Her dad is only around for appearance sake and his work – which also creates a whole heck of a lot of wealth. Her father has shunned by his only son Liam, and is always holding Avery’s dancing over her head to make her stay in line.

Enter asshole Jacob. He’s the right hand man to her father. The all be emperor of said Father and an absolute douche canoe. He’s also her supposed fiance, for the sake of the family company. She finds herself struggling to stay with him. He’s boring, manipulative, and has a mean streak a mile wide.

She goes to her brothers house one evening and meets Nate….oh boy he’s tall, dark, sexy, and unfortunately married! He also has a past, a past with a wife of 6 years and a beautiful daughter named Macy who is 3 years old. She’s the apple of his eye, and the one reason he stays with Lena (his wife) although he knows their marriage is loveless he’s too afraid he’ll lose Macy. Avie and Nate become friends. Soon they realize there is more then just friendship brewing. Will Nate self destruct his marriage and will Avie be the other woman?

Read this story to find out. This isn’t just a book or even a novel. It’s a love story. A story that could have a disastrous ending or a new beginning. Bella Jewel rocked my socks when it came to this story. I’m a sucker for an MC book, but she made me remember romance isn’t dead.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

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About the Author

Bella Jewel

Bella Jewel is an Aussie girl through and through. She spent her life in Western Australia, growing up in many different areas of the state. She now currently lives in Perth with her husband, children and mass amounts of pets. She’s crazy, fun, outgoing and friendly. Writing is her passion, she started at the young age of 18 but finally got the courage up to publish, and her first novel Hell’s Knights was released in August 2013.


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