Love Resisted by Melanie Codina Review | Giveaway | Blog Tour

Love Resisted ~ Melanie Codina

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Book 2 – Real Love Series

RELEASE DATE: October 20, 2013

For Allie Baxter, love was never something she had to worry about. She was loved by her friends, her family, her husband … until the day it was ripped away. Losing love was the deepest pain Allie had ever endured, and it was an agony she vowed to avoid feeling ever again. Crippled with guilt over her loss, for five years Allie served her self-appointed exile from the daily comforts offered by friends and family, only to return and attempt to fit herself back into their open arms—even if she knew she didn’t deserve it. Mike Lawson was not something Allie expected; the love of a man was not something Allie was prepared to want. The spark of desire that had long ago died inside her suddenly returned, bringing the memories of her pain with it. She swore she would never allow herself to love again … but how long could love be resisted?

My Review

We met sweet, broken, Allie in Love Realized. She was Logan’s little sister and Gillian’s best friend. Allie is a little firecracker, she’s stubborn, and she fights love every step of the way. We learned that she lost her husband 5 years ago, but now we find out what happens after she moves back home to be near her family.

Ah, Mike, we met him in the first book, too. He was Gillian’s first date after the divorce. I really like him, he’s sweet, honest, and doesn’t give up. Plus, he’s super sexy and totally hot. Never a bad thing!

Love Resisted picks up where Love Realized ended, with Johnathan’s graduation from high school. It also happens to be Zane’s (Mike’s son) graduation day so we get to meet Mike’s family and the fun begins.

The loving banter between Allie and her family in the first book continues in Love Resisted. Add to that Mike’s family, and we get a complete picture. I love how he continually chases after Allie, wearing her down until she finally relents or at least pays up for losing a bet. 😉

We get to see lots more of Jake and Gillian in this follow-up and I love that couple! We also get to meet the newest member of the Michaels family. So sweet.

Love Resisted by Melanie Codina is a sweet, loving, romance with a few twists and turns. Mike and Allie have so much more in common than they realize and it takes a while for them to find love, but I’m happy to say that this book has a happily ever after.

Looking for a lazy Sunday read? This is it. I teared up, I laughed, I yelled at Allie a few times and I was emotional throughout the book. Read Love Realized first and then follow-up with Love Resisted.


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About the Author

Melanie is an amazing mother of four, an awesome and tolerant wife to one, and nurse to many. If you don’t believe her, just ask anyone in her family, they know what to say. She is also a devoted chauffer, the keeper of missing socks, a genius according to a six year old, the coolest soccer uniform coordinator according to a twelve year old, and the best damn ‘mac-n-cheese-with-cut-up-hot-dog maker in the whole world. Well that last title isn’t really official, but it’s still pretty cool to be called it.
When not being ordered around by any of the kids, you can find her with her nose in a book or on the sideline of a soccer game cheering on one team or another. But that’s mostly because she has a thing for the coach. When she is not doing all of the above, you can find her obsessed with a group of fictional characters all vying for a spot on the page of whatever she’s working on. It’s a fun and crazy life to lead, but wouldn’t have it any other way.
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5 copies of Love Realized ebook

5 copies of Love Resisted ebook

2 signed paperbacks of Love Resisted


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Melanie Codina and family will be donating $1 for each book of Love Resisted sold during the month of October.

Love Resisted - Breast Cancer

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