Marked. Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M. Sevilla Review

My Review of Marked. Part 1: The Missing Link

Well, damn. Just, damn. I want Part 2 now!

Ahhhhh!!! This book is FREE on Amazon right now! Okay. That is all, but OH EM GEE!!! There aren’t enough words to describe how much I loved this book!! I stayed up till 3am to finish it! Yea, my husband wasn’t impressed but it was worth it. 😉

Lily is a character you just can’t help but love. Her boyfriend hit her. She got smart, left him, and came home to her parents house. After a Christmas dinner her mom asks her to bring some food over to the new neighbor. Now, meet Jay. Oh my, the handsome/dangerous bad boy. Most people are scared of him. Not Lily though.

Lily goes out with her friends on New Years Eve, and luck would have it that Jay is the bouncer. She goes outside to get some fresh air, and gets attacked by men. They literally have dragged her into a car, but Jay being the man that he is rescues her. After that, she asks for self defense lessons from him. I mean really, there is only so much attacking a girl can take before she seeks help.

But, Jay’s only out for revenge and although he decides to help Lily, he has to keep her at arms length. You know most girls don’t give up and Lily definitely didn’t. I don’t want to give you too much away so you’ll have to read the story to really know what happens.

J.M. Sevilla’s writing grabs you and doesn’t let go. You are on this roller coaster ride of emotions and holy cow, what a ride. Hatred, disbelief, love, hunger, happiness, did I mention love. Oh, and loads of sex appeal.

Let me tell you Jay is an awesome BBF, I give this book a great big 5 stars, and am impatiently waiting for J.M. Sevilla to write Part 2…I’ve been stalking her Facebook page waiting to hear of any news. It’s hard to believe this is her debut book! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

Jay as BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hotness Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Available on Amazon.