One Love by Lili St. Germain (Gypsy Brothers, #7) Cover Reveal

One Love Cover

One Love by Lili St. Germain (Gypsy Brothers, #7)

Release Date: TBD

My Review of other books in the Gypsy Brothers Series

 Seven Sons | Six Brothers | Five Miles | Four Score

Buy prior books in the series

Seven Sons FREE | Six Brothers | Five Miles | Four Score

Pre-order Three Years on iTunes (Releasing 7/20)

About the Author

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Lili writes dark erotica and NA. Her debut serial novel, Seven Sons, is was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband, good coffee, hanging at the beach and running. She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.

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