Promise Me Always By Kari March Review and Giveaway

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Promise Me Always by Kari March

Genre – New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date – Feb 11th 2014


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Blake POV

Tess headed for the kitchen, so I got up and followed her. As soon as she shut the fridge from getting her beer, she rammed into my chest. She backed away looking all flustered. Color slowly crept into her cheeks as her eyes scanned the length of my body. Damn! She was hotter than I even remembered.

Hey, baby girl. Can we talk?” I whispered in her ear.

Sure, Blake. What’s up?”

Not here. Come with me.” I grabbed her hand and led her out to the balcony. For some reason, I didn’t want an audience for this conversation.

Once we were outside I took her in my arms and gave her the biggest hug. I had wanted to do that since she walked in the door tonight. Fuck, she smelled just like the beach and her scent was enough to make me hard. I needed to talk before my dick got me in trouble. “Are you okay? You deserve so much better than that asshole,” I said softly into her ear.

She took a deep breath and started twirling her hair again. “I’ll be alright, Blake. Pretty sure I knew it was coming. It’s not like this is the first time he’s done this. I guess I was just stupid for thinking he really was sorry. I’m just so embarrassed. I mean, how stupid am I?”

Tess, you’re not stupid. He’s the jackass that fucked up. If he couldn’t see how amazing you are, then that’s his loss. Please don’t think that about yourself. You are one of the smartest girls I know and you deserve someone that will treat you like a damn princess.”

With those words she threw herself into my arms and held onto me like she was drowning. She fit perfectly wrapped all around me and I couldn’t help but think back to that afternoon in my truck. I started to feel my pants getting tighter as the memories filled my mind. I pushed her back and held her at arm’s length. Her face fell a little at my gesture and I felt like an ass, but the last thing I wanted her to feel was my dick pressing against her.

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My Review

You’re mine, Tess. You always have been and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep us together. Whatever it takes…do you understand me? I love you , Tess — I love you so fucking much.

If a couple could have a story written about EVERYTHING going wrong, this is that story. Poor Tess and Blake…from fights, to stalking ex-boyfriends, to an accidental punch to the face. Really! EVERYTHING that can go wrong, does. That being said, Promise Me Always is a really good book from first-time author, Kari March.

Sexy, smoking-hot firefighter Blake finally takes his chance on sweet girl, Tess. Blake Bentley is a total player, guarding himself against love and Tessa Collins has just gotten out of a bad relationship. Bad, because her boyfriend isn’t through with her just yet. Gah! I hate stalker ex-boyfriends but they sure make for good suspense.

Blake, Blake, Blake..*swoon* – he can definitely be romantic, but he can also be an idiot. Just sayin’. I really wish that this couple would open their mouths and TALK to each other. Just a little bit and stop keeping things bottled up inside. But, once again, that makes for lots of angst and some angst can be a good thing.

The secondary characters in Promise Me Always are just as much a part of the story and I love that they all support and protect Tessa. All except one, but you’ll have to read the book to find out the which one turns into an ass. 😉

Great debut from Kari March! I can’t wait to read more from her.

★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

  • Blake as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★ 
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★

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Book Trailer

Promise Me Always by Kari March from SchmexyGirl Book Blog on Vimeo.

About the Author

I am a new adult contemporary author that is currently working on my first novel, Promise Me Always. I am a wife, mother of 2 amazing kiddos, photographer and owner at K23 Photography & Design, graphic designer and cover designer at K23 Designs, as well as an avid reader and blogger at A Book Whores Obsession! I have been married since 2004 to the most amazing man ever and together we have two amazing children.

I was born in Aurora, CO and still reside their today with my amazing family. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else in the world. I have become accustom to bi-polar weather living here and I absolutely love getting all four seasons (although winters could be a bit shorter.)

I have a small obsession with Starbucks and gummy bears! They make the perfect writing snack! Wine helps a lot too especially with the late night writing sessions. I love the summer and everything that goes along with it, camping, swimming, boating, hiking, etc. I love to travel and Disneyland is one of my family’s favorite places to visit together. I have a dream of visiting so many places in the world such as Italy, Greece, Australia, Fiji, Bora Bora and New Zealand (just to name a few.)

I have met so many amazing people in this journey so far and I cannot wait to see what the future holds.

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