Pursuit (A Vegas Girls Tale, #2) by Dawn Robertson & Jo-Anna Walker Cover Reveal

pursuit cover

Pursuit (A Vegas Girls Tale, #2) by Dawn Robertson & Jo-Anna Walker Cover Reveal


Jude Emerson would never admit his love for Jenny Sunshine until he lost her to another man.

Lori London’s world crumbled when her husband was killed in combat, leaving her pregnant and alone.

Time has passed but hearts haven’t healed.

Obsession drives Jude.

Desperation leads Lori into a life she never would have considered.

When their paths cross, broken souls slowly begin to mend.

But can the ghosts of their pasts stay away long enough for love to be born?

Or will they be destined to a life of hurt, and loneliness?

About the Authors

When Jo-Anna isn’t working her Monday-Friday 9-5 job, she’s spending her time reading, writing and with the love of her life.

She’s an all-around Canadian girl. Born and raised in a small city.

If you don’t see Jo-Anna writing, you’ll find her with her nose in a book. Whether it’s her words or someone else’s, she’s drawn to it.

Jo-Anna loves stories with Alpha broken males and that need to be ripped apart and put back together again. Men that fall to their knees over a wink or a giggle from their females.

Two things you will never find Jo-Anna without; her cell phone and lip gloss. If she has both of those items, you have a happy girl.

Since starting her writing adventure in 2013, Jo-Anna has met many people, real life, online, in her head and she loves every single one of them. Without the support from others, none of this would be possible and she’s grateful for all that has been given to her.

To learn more, visit Jo-Anna on her blog, on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and Pinterest.

Jo-Anna Walker is also author of Break Me, Always Me, In the Heart of Forever (A Heart Story) and Possessed by You.


Dawn Robertson is a twenty-something indie erotic romance, and mother. She lives in sunny senior citizen packed Florida, where she wrangles her kids, and Pitbull puppy.

Dawn can normally be found swearing like a sailor, making late night drive-thru appearances, arguing with her kids (or being run over by their power wheels), reading a steamy romance while hiding in her bathroom, writing her little heart out on her laptop (or dragging her Macbook to the Genius bar praying they can save her latest work in progress), or sipping on a smoothie. She loves to hear from her fans, readers, and authors alike. Feel free to drop her a message.

Dawn rarely takes life seriously, so be sure to expect heavy sarcasm from her. She is also the life of the party, so be sure to meet up with her at one of the many author events she will be attending in the next couple months. Buy her a shot of whiskey, and she will love you for life.

Dawn is also the author of Hers, Finding Willow, Kink the Halls, This Girl Stripped, Crashed, and Take Me Out.

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