Qualities A Romance Heroine Should Have | Anna James Guest Post

keeping her guilty secret

Joining Recommended Romance today is author Anna James. Welcome her and see what she has to say about romance heroines. Be sure to comment after reading her post, as she’s giving away an eCopy of her book!

Qualities A Romance Heroine Should Have

Hi Folks, I’m Anna James and I write contemporary romance novels. As a romance author, it’s my job to write compelling stories readers love. As a romance reader, and let me say I enjoy reading romance novels as much as I enjoy writing them, I want the same.

For me, a great story begins with a compelling character, a heroine I can’t help but love. I want, no need,  to feel a connection to her. She has to be real to me. Someone I can relate to, who lingers in my mind long after I’ve finished reading her story.

My favorite heroines are strong, smart, confident women. Survivors not victima. They are passionate about love and life, persistent, and don’t give up because the going gets tough.

I’d like to introduce you to Nicole Bradford, the heroine from my novella, KEEPING HER GUILTY SECRET – Book 1 Forever Yours Trilogy.  Nicole is a strong, smart, confident woman. She’s been taking care of her two sisters, Ashley and Kate, since the deaths of their parents six years ago. Family is most important to her and she’d do anything to protect them.

But when it comes to men… She may as well have ‘fool’ tattooed across her forehead.

Her track record with the opposite sex is, well, dismal! One man, in particular, Carlo, caused her much more than a broken heart. Now he’s back and threatening to expose her ugly past. Just her luck when the man of her dreams, Max Paradis, finally comes her way.

Can Nicole trust Max with the truth or will Carlo destroy everything that matters most to her?

Here is a short excerpt from Nicole’s story to whet your appetite:

Nicole belted out the tune blasting from the radio as she removed the oil filter from the car. Normally, the repair shop would deal with the messy job, but she no longer had that luxury and was grateful her father showed her how to do basic car maintenance. Now, every penny counted.

With a free hand, she reached out, groped for the empty container, slid it into place, and unscrewed the cap.

The swift rap on the hood had her jerking the can sideways. A stream of dirty oil poured down onto her. “Damn it!” After sliding out from underneath the car, she jumped to her feet. “What the he—?”

Max stood in front of her, large as life, a wide grin on his handsome face. Her heart skipped a beat, and, Jeez Louise, a smile as charming as his should be illegal. It wasn’t fair. It made her feel all warm and tingly inside and believe in happily-ever-afters and . . . No, no, no. She’d been down this road before and gotten nothing but heartache for her troubles. Why did she keep forgetting that?

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I called out, but I guess you didn’t hear me over the loud music. Great voice, by the way.”

He heard her singing? Heat crept up her neck and flooded her cheeks. Great. Just great. What was he doing here, anyway?

He leaned in toward her. A hint of his cologne drifted past her nostrils. He smelled good. Really good.

She stared up at him and her stomach fluttered. Gorgeous, and smelled good. Oh my.


Good God, focus woman.


“I said, it’s a good thing you had these on to protect you.”

She peered down at her oversized coveralls and groaned. “Oh, I’ll never get this out.”

“I really am sorry,” he said again, but couldn’t quite hide another grin.

“No, you’re not. And don’t you dare laugh at me. This is your fault.” She wiped her hands, took off the hat covering her hair, and began to unzip the coveralls. “This is gross. I’m going inside to clean up.”

“Hey, wait. I need to speak with you.”

“Fine, but you’ll have to wait until I change.” She opened the door to the kitchen and gestured for him to enter. “You can wait in the living room.”


He stepped by her, and she drew in a sharp breath. Gorgeous, he smelled good, and those faded jeans, brown leather bomber jacket and aviator sunglasses . . . Sexy as all get out. She sighed.

What qualities do you think a romance heroine should have? I’d love to hear what you have to say. Leave your answers below. I’m giving away an e-copy of KEEPING HER GUILTY SECRET to one lucky commenter.

KEEPING HER GUILTY SECRET  – Available September 17, 2014  www.authorannajames.com

A secret she must keep… A man she can’t resist

anna james profile

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