RAW by Belle Aurora Review

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My Review of RAW by Belle Aurora

Oh, so many feelings that I can’t possibly put into enough words to make you understand how much I LOVE this book, as well as this author. Have you ever been gutted? Like all consumed gutted with emotions. Emotions ranging from sad to happy to laughing, then to awe and WTF…and then big ugly snotty tears? Yea this book’s name pretty much leaves your emotions Raw.

” You need him. You need to know who he is. And why he watches you. Admit it, girl. You want him as much as he wants you.”

It all begins with one boy and one girl, Antonio Falcon and Lexie. They meet when he was 8 and she was 6. Both going through a traumatic childhood and never seeing the end in sight. Fast forward and Lexie has a stalker. She knows she has a stalker, but she feels safe with him near. A near death experience and her stalker saves her.

Twitch (tall, lean, sexy, and a body full of tattoos here) a man with a deep dark and seedy past wants Lexie. He wants to play with her, hurt her, and manipulate her. Fool that Lexie is; she falls in love with him. Now that is really all of the story line that I will give away. Belle completely and utterly makes me go girl fan crazy for this book. I just need to know NOW when the next book is due out!

“But it makes the sweet so much sweeter. If every relationship was perfect, think about how bored everyone would be. Not to mention, make up sex is supposed to be fan-fuckin’-tastic.”

Listen carefully because this book has graphic detail and if you don’t like dirty sex, you may want to refrain from reading it. I still suggest you read it. Did I mention this book is now in my top ten favorite books?

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Dirty Stars

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