Redemption by Rebecca Brooke (Forgiven Book 2) Review and Giveaway

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Redemption by Rebecca Brooke (Forgiven Series Book 2)

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I am not what I have done. I am what I have overcome. And once I have faced my problems, only then will I find redemption.

Josh Walker and Lauren Pierce are opposites in every way. While Lauren is a committed student and girlfriend, Josh is a player with a very twisted moral compass…

Or is he?

Growing up with an addict for a father, Josh experienced disappointment from an early age. He puts on a front, shielding himself from everyone. Until he meets Lauren.

Lauren has it all. An accomplished softball player she maintains good grades, has great friends, and is in love with her dedicated boyfriend. Her life is pretty much perfect…until it’s not.

When two bruised souls collide can they help each other overcome their problems? Or are some souls just destined to be lost?


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I grabbed her hand and tugged her over to the passenger side of the car. Taking the keys from her hand I popped the locked and open the door to help her in. Quickly, I moved around the front of the car and hopped into the driver’s seat.

I looked over at her. “I’ll take you back to my place, you can drive home in the morning.”

She smiled at me and placed her hand on my thigh. “That sounds perfect.”

The heat from her touch burned me through my jeans. When she slid her hand closer to my dick, it sprung to life…and I hadn’t even started the car. I turned to her and slid my hand around the nape of her neck. Tugging her forward I crashed my lips to hers. It wasn’t like I hadn’t been thinking about it all night, but the taste of her had me licking across the crease of her lips. She opened her mouth and I quickly slid my tongue between her lush lips.

Her hands moved off my thigh to wrap around my shoulder and fist in my hair. My tongue danced with hers and I felt my dick surge. Oh hell no, I was not having sex in this car.

I pulled away and she was breathing as hard as I was. Starting the engine, I tried to adjust myself but it was no use, there was only one thing that was going to fix my problem. Good God, I needed to get us back to my place quick.

I looked over at Lauren as I backed out of the space. She had a dazed look full of desire in her eyes, the kind wet dreams were made of, and I didn’t give two shits about what I’d told Emily or Caleb. There was no way I was not sleeping with her tonight. A guy could only take so much.

The silence became too much and I turned on the radio. Both of us were preoccupied with what would happen when we got back to my apartment.

I made the ten-minute drive faster than I should’ve, but I wanted in this girl’s panties more than I could ever remember wanting anything before. Pulling into an empty space, I threw the car in park and Lauren was already opening her door and out by the time I shut off the engine.

This time it was my turn to grab her and drag her through the parking lot and into my apartment. I flicked the lights on before pushing her up against the door and covering her lips with my own. Her kisses were soft but demanding and her hands ran across my abs to my back, and then down to my ass. I felt like I was on fire I was so turned on…but I needed more.

Using my free hand I slid the sleeve of her dress down her shoulder. Moving my lips along her jaw, I licked a hot, wet path down her neck and she pushed her head back giving me better access. When I reached the spot where her neck and shoulder met and sucked lightly, the moan that escaped her lips did nothing but make pure desire course through my veins. I had to have her.

Kissing my way back up to her lips, I wrapped my hand around her leg and pulled it around my waist, the action lifting the bottom of her dress up around her hips. This time, as I pushed my dick against her, the groan was mine. Quickly, I grabbed her other leg and picked her up by the ass. Just like the car, there was no way we were going to end up fucking on my living room floor when my bed only ten feet away.

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My Review of Redemption (Book 2)

Forgiven (Book 1) was written as part of the Forgiven series but can be read as a stand alone with a HEA. The same can be said for Redemption (Book 2).

Redemption by Rebecca Brooke is Josh and Lauren’s story. If you read Forgiven, you’ll remember that Josh was Caleb’s best friend and had secrets that he hadn’t shared by the end of the book. Well, we find out all of Josh’s secrets in Redemption and they end up being secrets about his home life while he was growing up. Josh is another self proclaimed man-whore at the beginning of the book, but I was happy to see him grow from that status to a pretty decent boyfriend.

Lauren is a star softball player and also grew up with a difficult home life. She has major dad issues, but has made it to her Sophomore year at college and seems put together. Looks can be a bit deceiving, as there are a few twists and turns within the book that surprised me. No worries though, this is a complete story with a happily ever after for our cute couple.

Another great book from Rebecca Brooke. A story of young love and finding your soul mate that will keep you reading until the end. Not to mention the steamy love scenes in this sweet romance. Those will definitely keep you reading for more Josh. 😉

We get to see more of Emily’s story in this book as well and watch as she gets her happily ever after, too.

★ ★ ★ 1/2 Stars

  • Josh as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★ 
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★

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Forgiven (Book 1)


What happens when one moment changes the course of your entire life? Do you sit back and accept it, or fight to live the life you choose? Caleb Jacobs has a past that has haunted him for two years. Knowing he can never forgive himself for the events that led to his departure, Caleb chooses to live a quiet life—concentrating on school, sports, and shots. But when he is paired with Angie for a history project he realizes that no matter how much you try to hide from your past, one way or another it will find you.

Angelina Powers knows what she wants from life. Growing up with only an alcoholic father for company, Angie learned early on in life that you can only count on yourself.

But that doesn’t stop her wishing for her white knight. She’s confident, happy and focused…until she meets Caleb. So how will she feel when her potential white knight turns out to be more of a black shadow?


My Review of Forgiven

Forgiven (Book 1) is on sale for only 99 cents!

Amazon | B&N

About the Author

Rebecca Brooke grew up in the shore towns of South Jersey. She loves to hit the beach, but always with her kindle on hand. She is married to the most wonderful man, who puts up with all of her craziness. Together they have two beautiful children who keep her on her toes. When she isn’t writing or reading (which is very rarely) she loves watch SOA, TrueBlood, and The Walking Dead.

Stay in touch with Rebecca Brooke

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Prizes: (5) eCopies of Redemption, 1 Signed Paperback of Redemption
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