The Rental by Rebecca Berto Cover Reveal

The Rental buttonthe rental


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Title: The Rental Part 1

Release Date: Late 2014

Genre: Erotic Romance




Eighteen-year-old Vee Wyland is no stranger to loss. In the blink of an eye, she loses her father in a horrible accident. And when she needs her boyfriend the most, he leaves her for her best friend. Suddenly, the girl that had everything unravels, caught in a downward spiral of grief and financial loss.

Drop-dead gorgeous and old crush, Rick Delaney waltzes in and opens her up to the world of The Rental, where everything is for sale, except sex itself.

It seems easy enough … guarding your heart, but selling your body.

But it’s hard to trust your ex-boyfriend’s brother.

Dealing with his own demons, Rick is drawn to Vee and the white-hot sizzle that flares when she walks into a room. From the moment they re-unite, their sexual chemistry is undeniable. He ignites passion back into her dull world, and it seems all fun and games until feelings get involved.

Fall into the scorching new world of The Rental, where hearts get broken and the foreplay builds to a thrilling climax.

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Title: The Rental Part 2

Expected Release: TBA



About the Author

Rebecca Berto - author photo - June 2013

Rebecca Berto writes stories about love and relationships. She gets a thrill when her readers are emotional reading her books, and gets even more of a kick when they tell her so. She’s strangely imaginative, spends too much time on her computer, and is certifiably crazy when she works on her fiction.

Rebecca Berto lives in Melbourne, Australia with her boyfriend and their doggy.

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