Rescuing Mary by Susan Stoker Excerpt

Rescuing Mary by Susan Stoker

Delta Force Heroes Book 9

Release Date: October 30, 2018

Ford “Truck” Laughlin and Mary Weston have weathered their share of storms over the last couple years. Truck’s job, Mary’s health. His bossiness, her bitchiness. All while dancing around their intense attraction. Mary’s tried to push him away for his own good but Truck won’t let her give up…on herself or on them. Just when she decides they deserve a fair shot, disaster strikes.

Truck has wanted Mary since the moment he saw her. The prickly woman pushes all his buttons and looks beyond his scarred exterior, something few women have managed. His plan to take their relationship to the next level is stalled when he’s injured on a mission. And he’s barely feeling like his old self again before the couple is dealt another blow, one that could permanently end their chances…and their lives.

**Rescuing Mary is the 9th book in the Delta Force Heroes Series. Usually my books are stand-alones, but in this case, I feel you would get more enjoyment out of the story if you read the other books first, since Mary and Truck’s relationship evolves throughout the series. If nothing else, I recommend reading the first book in the series, Rescuing Rayne, where their relationship began.



Truck looked at one of his best friends, then turned to gaze at the others in the room. Rayne was standing next to Emily with her arm around her waist. Emily was within two months of having her own baby. Annie was running from one adult to the other, chomping on the bubble gum cigar she’d been given and smiling from ear to ear. Beatle and Casey were standing off to the side holding hands. Wendy was leaning back against Blade. Even Sadie and Chase were there. Chase had his arm around Sadie’s waist in a comfortable embrace.

Truck wanted what his friends had. Wanted Mary to turn to him when she was feeling uncomfortable. Wanted her to hold his hand and look at him like his friends’ women looked at them.

But it was about time to admit that maybe that would never happen.

He’d hoped that if he gave her enough time, Mary would come around. That she’d see how much he loved her, that he’d never let her down. But even after everything they’d been through, she still held him at arm’s length. They slept next to each other every night, and they’d even shared a few kisses, but she still hadn’t given him any indication that she wanted to move their relationship from the weird friend zone it was in to more.

Truck wanted more.

He deserved more.

He loved Mary. Knew he’d never find another woman who made his heart race every time he looked at her. She was prickly and had shields at least a mile high, and Truck had hopes he could scale those walls and they’d be inseparable as a result. But he was finally admitting to himself that maybe whatever had happened to make her so wary wasn’t something he could overcome.


New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Susan Stoker has a heart as big as the state of Texas where she lives, but this all American girl has also spent the last fourteen years living in Missouri, California, Colorado, and Indiana. She’s married to a retired Army man who now gets to follow her around the country.

She debuted her first series in 2014 and quickly followed that up with the SEAL of Protection Series, which solidified her love of writing and creating stories readers can get lost in.

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