Rocking Around the Holidays Giveaway December 12

rockstar giveaway rec romance graphic

Rocking Around the Holidays

I’ve joined with some of my awesome blogging friends to offer a fantastic giveaway! From now, until December 23 we’re giving you the inside scoop and behind the scenes with Rock Star Authors.


To celebrate the holiday season there’s a HUGE contest to go along with it – which includes 2 ipad Minis, Signed books by all of the authors, gift cards galore and much, much more!

Today’s Author

megan march

About Author Meghan March

Meghan March is a Michigan native who has spent a good portion of her life buried in a book. Case in point: she read the entire romance section of her small town public library by age fourteen. Even after growing up (sort of) and getting a law degree, she never lost her passion for a great story, twisty plot, epic romance, and amazing characters. When she’s not writing, she’s probably reading, target shooting, drooling over fast cars, or playing with her crazy mutt.


megan march dog

Behind the Scenes with Meghan March

Less cave, more guest bedroom. In my past life as a reporter, I learned to work anywhere: coffee shops, airports, church confession booths (true story). I’m able to tune most things out and don’t require much routine. The one thing I require is headspace. The implements don’t matter—paper, laptop, phone app—and neither does the location. I just need the right headspace. I need to hear the story, hear my characters, and from there I’m good to go. There’s usually water or green tea, but that’s it (and after spilling 32 ounces of water on my laptop a few months ago, I keep the water on the other side of the room).

megan march couch

Holiday Cheer with Kate Canterbary

Q. Favorite holiday book

A. The Polar Express. I still it’s magical.

Q. Favorite holiday movie

A. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. I have to watch it every year.

Q: Favorite holiday memory as a child

A: Sitting on the stairs on Christmas morning with my two older brothers waiting for my dad to check and see if Santa was finished. I’m sure he was just putting out more presents, but I’ll never forget the anticipation. And then he’d make us wait longer while he took a picture of us with my mom. I need to dig out those pictures…

Q: New Year’s Resolution

A: I resolved years ago never to make them. I think I’m too impatient to wait for New Year’s to start something new and good. I’m a ‘let’s do it right now’ kind of girl.



Follow Along with Rocking the Holidays tomorrow, December 13th where author Cat Porter will be featured on the sites listed below, plus there will be ways to enter the contest daily!

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