Rocking Around the Holidays Giveaway December 15

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Rocking Around the Holidays

I’ve joined with some of my awesome blogging friends to offer a fantastic giveaway! From now, until December 23 we’re giving you the inside scoop and behind the scenes with Rock Star Authors.


To celebrate the holiday season there’s a HUGE contest to go along with it – which includes 2 ipad Minis, Signed books by all of the authors, gift cards galore and much, much more!

Today’s Author

About Author Randi Cooley Wilson

Randi was born and raised in Massachusetts where she attended Bridgewater State University and graduated with a degree in Communication Studies. After graduation she moved to California where she lived happily bathed in sunshine and warm weather for fifteen years. Randi now resides in Massachusetts with her husband and daughter.

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randi cooley wilson office

Behind the Scenes with Randi Cooley Wilson

The Dark Fortress

Author Randi Cooley Wilson’s Writing Cave

Hi! Welcome to what my family loving refers to as my Dark Fortress. As you can see, it’s neither dark, nor fortress-like. I do however lock myself away for days living in pretend worlds in it. As you can see it’s warm, inviting and filled with tons of books. I totally stole the design off the web, so I can’t take credit for the way it looks. Also, I can’t show you the entire office because I am extremely superstitious. I don’t allow people in the room, at all! Even the hubby and daughter are not permitted to enter because, in my crazy brain, I think it screws around with the energy flow. Yep, I’m that kind of writer. (BTW – I feel like I’m on MTV Cribs and should be all…this is where the magic happens.) I’ve included a photo of a gargoyle statue I received when I released Revelation, the first book in The Revelation Series. He’s meant to protect me while I write and provide tons of inspiration. To be honest, he just sits and stares at me. It can get pretty creepy and intense. Anyway…hope you enjoyed the sneak peak of my writing cave.


Randi Cooley Wilson

randi cooley wilson gargoyle



Follow Along with Rocking the Holidays tomorrow, December 16th where author Carly Phillips will be featured on the sites listed below, plus there will be ways to enter the contest daily!


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