Rocking Around the Holidays Giveaway December 8th

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Rocking Around the Holidays

I’ve joined with some of my awesome blogging friends to offer a fantastic giveaway! From now, until December 23 we’re giving you the inside scoop and behind the scenes with Rock Star Authors.


To celebrate the holiday season there’s a HUGE contest to go along with it – which includes 2 ipad Minis, Signed books by all of the authors, gift cards galore and much, much more!

Today’s Author


About Author Reylynn Purdue

Born and raised in California, Reylynn Purdue lives with her loving husband and three beautiful kids. A lover of books, she reads like crazy. She has also always enjoyed writing, but one day, she decided to take it to the next level. She started writing her debut novel in 2013. To say she had no clue what she was doing is an understatement. As of today, she still has no clue what she is doing when it comes to publishing a book, but she is learning as she goes. She loves her story and hopes you will as well. She also finds talking about herself in third person to be very strange, and she kind of hates it.

To find out more about Reylynn, just ask.


Behind the Scenes with Reylynn Purdue

The only thing I absolutely have to have with me while I write is my phone. You see my characters are always with me. Because of this, my phone is full of random voice notes. I am constantly writing on my phone the conversation that my characters had to have in the back of my mind when I am out and about. Seeing as I have to have it while I am writing, my phone sometimes becomes a problem. I can’t count the times I’ve heard it chime while writing and out of habit I automatically check it. That usually leads to me looking at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and/or Twitter. Sadly I have lost precious writing time doing so.

I also use my phone to play music while I am writing. Music is another must have. I try and make a playlist to go alone with whatever I am writing. I am constantly adding to that playlist as my story unfolds. It is wonderful to listen to the playlists after I am done writing. I love how the songs I chose become connected with my characters. Their story, their emotions.

Another thing I use my phone for while I am writing is games. Yes you read that right. When I get stuck on a scene or nothing I am writing seems to be worth keeping, I pick up my phone and play a game. Usually Panda Pop. I love that game. It is relaxing and as I am playing I am also letting my mind wonder and work out the scene I am trying to write. It still amazes me how often playing a mindless game has helped me continue writing my story.

Holiday Cheer with Reylynn Purdue

Q. Do you have a silly holiday tradition?

A. Silly Holiday Tradition… hmmm. I guess I would have to say it would be how we get our Christmas tree. After our family finds the perfect tree the four of us (Now it’s the five of us.) hold hands and jump up and down in a circle welcoming our new tree to the family for Christmas. We look completely ridiculous, but it was something my daughter started a few years ago. Now I can’t image us not dancing around our tree before bringing it home.

Q. Favorite Holiday Song

A. Silent Night. It has been my favorite since I was a little girl.

Q: What’s your New Year’s resolution?

A: My New Year’s resolution is to finish writing Nothing Lasts Forever before 2016.


Follow Along with Rocking the Holidays tomorrow, December 9th where author Christy Pastore will be featured on the sites listed below, plus there will be ways to enter the contest daily!

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