Salvation by Noelle Adams Review and Giveaway

Salvation by Noelle Adams

Release Date: February 21, 2014

Genre: Adult/New Adult Contemporary Romance



You get to the point where you can just say it. There was never anything special about me, except my father is rich and important. That’s why it happened.

It was just a normal Tuesday afternoon. I was twenty-three and thinking about my new designer boots. They kidnapped me for ransom. They raped me before I was rescued. My therapist says that talking about it means I’m starting to heal.

I don’t really think I am.

It’s even harder to talk about Gideon. He couldn’t save me when it really mattered, so he keeps trying to save me now. He refuses to give up on me, and I can’t make him understand. There are some things you just can’t be saved from.

Warning: Salvation is a love story that follows a difficult path of healing after sexual assault. It is a true contemporary romance, but it addresses very hard issues, including rape and attempted suicide. Please consider whether this book is for you.


You see, I was still incredibly, stupidly naïve. Even then, after having been kidnapped off the street. I actually felt better that they weren’t going to kill me, that I wasn’t in this room alone, that I had this strong, decent guy—one who seemed to know what he was doing—to help me through this.

My dad and I weren’t close, but he would definitely pay the ransom. I could get out of here and go back to my normal, sheltered life, surrounded by smiles and pretty things.

We tell ourselves stories—over and over again—about how help comes just in the nick of time, about how we get saved at the very last moment, about how the bomb is defused with only a few seconds left on the timer. I was still scared, but something inside me believed that would be my story too.

This was bad. It was really, really bad. But I would still somehow be okay.

Then I remembered I wasn’t the only one in this room. “What about you?” I asked, looking over at Gideon. He was slouched against the wall with his face turned in my direction, his eyes resting on my face.

He blinked. “What about me?”

“They’re going to kill you?”

“That’s generally what they do to people who betray them.”

I started to feel sick again because I didn’t want that to happen. I scrambled to my feet and ran over to the window. “Are you sure there’s no way out of here?” I tried to reach up towards the window, even though there would be no way of getting through the bars.

The window was too high for me to reach.

“There’s no way,” Gideon said. “All the walls are reinforced, and there’s no way of getting out that window.” He walked over so he was behind me as I tried to get a foothold on the cement block wall.

He gently pulled my hands away and, in the process, showed me his. His fingers were bruised and bloody. He murmured, “I promise I tried.”

I drooped, believing the evidence of his damaged hands, if nothing else.

My Review

Are you looking for a book that is completely and utterly heart wrenching? My heart broke for this couple, but it was put back together. Step by step and day by day. So glad this author didn’t make this romance seem like love happened over night. It turned out to be months and months of healing and finding love!

Yes, the first chapter was hard to get through. No, I don’t regret it.

Dianna is a survivor – only she doesn’t see herself that way. She was taken in broad daylight on a busy street with no one paying attention she knew this was bad, The Albanian men were rough, nasty, and smelled. She’s taken and her only saving grace is a man who look’s just like the Albanian men only he’s not.

Gideon has been undercover trying to bust this gang up. Only he wasn’t expecting an innocent to get caught up in the midst of this battleground. He knows something is wrong, and he knows he has to save Dianna and then save himself. He prepares her for the worst day of her life.

He’s there to pick up the pieces months later, but Dianna isn’t thinking straight. She pushes him away thinking she’s to broken for someone like Gideon. Even her own therapist knows she sabotaging what could be her hope at a happy relationship.

Will Dianna overcome her fear, or will Gideon finally walk away?!? This story will leave you with a happy heart. Even with the rough crap it goes through. You wont be disappointed in the least.

★ ★ ★  Stars

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About the Author


Noelle handwrote her first romance novel in a spiral-bound notebook when she was twelve, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. She has lived in eight different states and currently resides in Virginia, where she teaches English, reads any book she can get her hands on, and offers tribute to a very spoiled cocker spaniel.

She loves travel, art, history, and ice cream. After spending far too many years of her life in graduate school, she has decided to reorient her priorities and focus on writing contemporary romances.

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