SCARED OF EXPOSURE by Jacqueline Abrahams (Scared, #3)

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SCARED OF EXPOSURE by Jacqueline Abrahams (Scared, #3)

Release Date: December 7, 2015

Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Scared Series




There are fairy tales, you know the ones, which end in happily ever after. Where the princess rides off into the sunset safely pinned to a majestic white horse by her gallant knight. Yes, there are fairy tales.

And then there’s us.

New York is my fresh start, my third in as many years. A fresh start; with no assholes in my near future. That’s right, you guessed it, two in as many years, assholes that left me with a very strict aversion to romance.

Then I met a guy, a guy who would force me to stay, not to run. A guy who I first encountered fucking someone else in a hallway. He was everything I wanted, and everything I didn’t. He was beautiful, and beautifully frightening. And I was the princess that would mend his scars, erase them one by one, until he was whole again. Or so I thought.

Yes, ours is a fairy tale, but not one that you might expect…




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I turn the corner, my eyes adjusting to the dim light, trying to navigate my way through the thin, damp smelling corridors.

A figure turns the corner, an unfamiliar face. A beautiful stranger.

The sight before me causes me to stop dead in my tracks.

She stops dead in her tracks when she sees us, me and my latest conquest. I have my conquest by the thighs, propped up against the wall, diving into her. Fucking her to within an inch of her life. At least I was, until the girl came into my peripheral vision.

At the end of the corridor are a couple, a guy and a girl. Her skirt is hitched up around her waist. At first glance, I think he may be kissing her, hard. Until I see the penetration. Until I see the way he grips her thighs, pulling her body against his. The strong and purposeful thrusts. Her back slamming relentlessly against the wall, like a rag doll.

I expect her to turn, to run in the opposite direction. What I didn’t expect, from my vantage point and the corner of my eye, was to see her planted to the spot, watching. Curiosity and embarrassment warred inside her, I could tell by the way she shifted nervously from foot to foot. Curiosity won out. She didn’t turn away.

I should have turned, walked away, done fucking something. But I was transfixed. I was invading their intimate moment, albeit out in the open for everyone to bear witness to. But I’m rooted to my spot. Watching. Coveting.

I don’t want her to know that I see her. I like her there. Watching me. My sexual partner hasn’t noticed our guest. She’s too caught up in her own self-satisfaction to even open her eyes. But the girl’s eyes don’t look at her. They stare directly at me. Undressing me. I can practically taste her lust. A satisfied smile causes the right side of my lip to creep up.

The guy’s mouth curls up in a smile. I can see it from my vantage point. I thought he hadn’t noticed me, but I think he has. A furious blush descends over my whole body, rising to my cheeks. For a brief moment, I close my eyes and replace that random girl’s body with my own. Blessed warmth courses through me as the fantasy unfolds in my mind.

Magnificent heat courses through my body. The rushing blood and adrenaline produced by my body is making a beeline for my dick, rendering it rock solid. I close my eyes and imagine that girl, that stranger, in the place of whatshername, the girl currently riding against me. The fantasy easily plays out in my mind.

He thrusts with finality into the girl, shaking the wall behind her in the process. Probably shaking her to the very core. She lets out a strangled cry. Just before he has a chance to look up, I turn and bolt back into the bar.

Just as I come, I glance to the left, to see if the voyeur girl is still there. She isn’t. I hope she’s a regular at this bar. I want the chance to show her firsthand the skills that she just bore witness to.

I’m more than certain he saw me. My heart is racing, threatening to pound free from my chest. Rock solid muscles and an imposing stature, I watched with wanton lust as he owned her. And God help me if I didn’t allow my mind to conjure up fantasies of the ownership he could have over my body. In that moment, I wanted it. I was exposed.

I liked her there. The heavens couldn’t have orchestrated a more perfect scenario. My mind proceeded to fuck her in a hundred different ways. I was left vulnerable, aching for a taste of her, craving her desperately. It made me feel…exposed.


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** Infinite Fear and Scared of Beautiful will be FREE and Scared of Forever will be $1.99 on December 7th ONLY**


Infinite Fear – A Novella (Scared #0.5)

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Scared of Beautiful (Scared #1)

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Scared of Forever (Scared, #2)

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About the Author


Jacqueline Abrahams is the author alter ego for an ordinary mum to three children (two human and one canine) and wife to one husband. Born in South Africa, she now calls Sydney, Australia her home.

A collector all things books and bookish, she in an avid reader and has a tiny obsession with filling bookshelves. When she’s not preoccupied wearing her aspiring author or mummy hat, she is working her way towards completing a degree in Primary and Secondary Teaching (with an English major of course!)


Connect with Jacqueline

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