Seven’s Diary by Dawn Robertson Review

My Review of Seven’s Diary by Dawn Robertson

If you’ve followed along with my reviews, you’ll see that I’ve read the entire Hers series by Dawn Robertson. Seven’s Diary is a novella that gives us a glimpse at what or who made Seven the person she is today. Why is she so driven? Why was she so closed off before Levi? You get the answers here.

Silent tears, yep. They took me by surprise. I was doing great with the book, and then just tears. Crap. All I’ve been reading lately are books that make me cry. But, I digress. Seven’s Diary is the perfect bridge between the previous books in the Hers series to the upcoming release of His.

It was great being able to see the events that lead to Mistress Marilyn and that Seven made some mistakes before we met her. I hate that she had to endure so much pain, but I’m glad that Dawn Robertson gave us this novella because I think that even more people will grow to love this character.

This is a quick read and will have you wanting more Seven. Just warning you now, you will get knots in your stomach and you will have sweet, silent tears.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

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