Sex Love Repeat by Alessandra Torre Review

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I love two men. I screw two men. I am in a relationship with them both, and they are both aware there is another. That is all they need to know, that is all I let them know. They don’t need to know a name; they don’t need to know anything, but that they are not alone in my heart.

They have accepted the situation. Stewart, because his life is too busy for the sort of obligations that are required in a relationship. Paul, because he loves me too much to tell me no. And because my sexual appetite is such that one man has trouble keeping up.

So we exist, two parallel relationships, each running their own course, with no need for intersection or conflict. It works for us, for them, and for me. I don’t expect it to be a long-term situation. I know there is an expiration date on the easy perfection of our lives.

I should have paid more attention, should have looked around and noticed the woman who watched it all. She sat in the background and waited, tried to figure me out. Saw my two relationships, the love between us, and the moment that it all fell apart.

She hates me.

I don’t even know she exists.

She loves them. I love them.

And they love me.
EVERYTHING else hangs in the balance.

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I’m smiling. I loved this book. I mean, really loved Sex Love Repeat by Alessandra Torre.

This is such an incredible roller coaster ride. You have to read this book, then the roller coaster ride will make even more sense when Madison meets Paul.

You wouldn’t think I could feel something for a woman who was having two relationships at the same time, but it happened. This was an incredibly well written story and I loved all the characters. I loved parts of Stewart, all of Paul, and found the love between all three of the characters moving.

Madison is a strong, independent woman who has dealt with tragedy in her life. She’s bent on making life work for her, or should I say both lives. You have Stewart, the successful businessman who loves her but his work is his first passion. Then, there is Paul. The laid back, fun, surfer-dude. Love him! They both hold her heart and she knows that there is an expiration date on the relationships, she just doesn’t know when it will happen and how she’ll decide who to choose.

The sex scenes are oh so yummy and the story line kept me on the edge of my seat. There are some HUGE twist and turns that I didn’t see coming. I actually had to stop reading after one sentence (about halfway through the book) and re-read it a few times. It was a ‘did that really happen’ moment.

Once I started, I didn’t want to put this book down. It was definitely a page-turner and I am happy to say it has a happily ever after.

  • Stewart as a BBF: ♥♥♥♥
  • Paul as a BBF: ♥♥♥♥♥
  • Hotness Level: ♥♥♥♥♥
  • Swoon Level: ♥♥♥♥

Alessandra Torre is a new author who focuses on contemporary erotica. Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, was published in July 2012, and was an Erotica #1 Bestseller for two weeks. Alessandra is currently working on the sequel to Blindfolded, which will be released in 2014.
Alessandra lives in the Southern United States and is married, with one young child. She enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and playing with her dogs. Her favorite authors include Lisa Gardner, Gillian Flynn, and Jennifer Crusie.

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Other Books Available by Alessandra Torre

Blindfolded Innocence on Amazon.

The Diary of Brad De Luca on Amazon.


The Dumont Diaries

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