Shattered Hart by Ella Fox Review (The Hart Family Series)

My Review of Shattered Hart by Ella Fox (The Hart Family Series)

In Broken Hart, we read about Dante and Sabrina. Now, we learn more about Brooke Tyler and Damien Hart (Sabrina’s sister and Dante’s brother)…oh, how the plot thickens.

We get introduced to more of the sisterly and brotherly bond. I love that we get Damien’s point of view. Personally, I love to be inside a man’s head to know what he’s thinking and feeling. This book has some pretty heavy emotions between the Damien and Brooke, but that just makes it even better.

Ella Fox continues The Hart Family Series with book 2, Shattered Hart. She gives us a more intimate view of the Hart family and their bonds. I love the story and can’t wait to tell you more about the rest of the series. It only gets better from here!


Broken Hart

Shattered Hart

Hart Family Box Set

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